Chapter 13

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Last Time on Love at first sight...

Saphria's POV

I putted my pone in my pocket and took the drawing to my room. I got a tack and went to my desk to pin it above it. I sat on my bed ans gazed at my drawing and a warm feeling raised in my chest, slowly and small smile grew on my lips as well.

Saphria's POV

Time skip

It was one week before Christmas, Leo and I were walking to my apartment. It was snowing hard and I was freezing cold. Even though I was wearing a sweater, a beanie, furry boots and a scarf. I looked at Leo to see if he was as cold as I am but to only see him perfectly fine. I didn't understand this because he wore what he usually wears and a jacket. I rubbed my hands over my arms trying to warm myself up but I couldn't keep my teeth from chattering.I looked at Leo and said. "Leo?" He looked at my and replied "Yes mi princesa?" I used my seal eyes and softly said, "I'm cold." He smiled with concern and wrapped his arm around me while saying, "Come here."The Warmth from his body spread through me toasting me up like a baby in a blanket."Thank you Repair Boy."I whispered softly."Anything for you my sunshine." He replied softly kissing the top of my head.

Time Skip

My mom and I just came back from Christmas shopping and was wrapping the last Christmas. I tied the bow on the top and placed it under the tree. I mental went over my list over people I needed to get presents for.























Mom and Dad?






Oh great I got presents for everyone but Leo. I sat on the couch with my head in my hands.I AM SO STUPID!!!!!! How could I forget him! What am I going to get him! Then an idea popped in my brain. I got my phone and dialed his number.

( Bold is Saphria and Normal is Leo/his mom)\


Hey Leo can I talk to your mom?

Oh hey sunshine yeah sure but why?

'Oh great' I thought

Um my mom needs a favor but she is really busy so she asked me to ask your mom.

Hello dear said his mom on the other side of the line

Hello Mrs.Valdez

My son Leo said your mom needed a favor?

Did I say my mom? I mean't to say I needed a favor.

Oh well what do you need ?

I was just wondering what Leo's favorite color is?

Oh is that all you want to know? Well he as two favorite colors red and orange.

Thank you Mrs.Valdez

Your welcome dear and please call me any time you want to know more about Leo okay dear.

Of course Mrs.Valdez

Well dear have a good day

Have a good day Mrs.Valdez

And with that she hang up.I went to my room and started to work. Many years ago I bought a heart chain for my mom and I but I never found time to do it. I brought them to desk and brought my paints out. I opened the blue, red,orange,black,and white paint and got to work.

Hey guys this is Saphria Jackson and I would really like it if you would give me your opinion on this I feel like only my friend is saying what what She is thinking so yeah this is

Signing out until the next update!!!

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