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A/N: Hey, everyone! Welcome to the long awaited sequel of Bound by Music. If you haven't read that book yet, I suggest you do, otherwise good luck figuring out what on earth is going on here.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this continuation of the Underground Royals Saga. Be sure to leave a comment, and tell me what you think!

Art by CogaPlush Thank you so so much!

Dedicated to all of those who have been patiently waiting for this. I appreciate you all for hanging in there!!

Triplets born
The throne awaits
A seer warns of a deadly fate

It's been six years since I was separated from my triplet siblings Sonia and Manic in a Chaos Control gone wrong.

There's something missing!
Something's not quite right!
And I can hear it calling to me every night!

It's been a week since I was reunited with them and found out that Shadow, aka Mr. Tall, Dark, and Brooding, was my older brother. Talk about a plot twist with a bad attitude. At least we're no longer trying to kill each other. He's actually mellowed out a bit, even before the whole "brotherhood" thing.

"Forget friends. We're brothers now."

Man, I still can't believe I actually told him that to his face. Heh, Sonia always did say I had a flare for the dramatic. But at least we're all together now.

Hear the sound
We are the underground!

It's been two days since me and the gang left Knothole, where we ran into the former Freedom Fighters and one angry chipmunk. But in the end it all worked out...kinda. I try not to think about it too hard. A lot went down during that little fiasco.

But now, I can see the skylight of Robotropolis, my home, my kingdom. I may no longer bear the responsibility of the crown, but it is still my city to protect. But before I can do that, we have to win it back from a certain rotten egg-shaped dictator who's been stinking up my home town for way too long.

We've come back with one mission: find Mom, beat Robotnik, and take back our kingdom.

The Prophecy will be fulfilled.

And the Council of Four will rise.

We are the Underground.

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