Welcome to Robotropolis

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A/N: Sorry for the wait everyone! College has been hectic this semester, but I hope you enjoy this next chapter!

"That's Robotropolis?" Rouge asked, her nose crinkling at the massive metal walls and the smog hovering over the city like its personal storm cloud. It looked nothing like the rolling plains of Green Hills she had always associated as the home of the blue blur.

"Oh, Sonic," Amy whispered, "What happened to it?"

"Buttnik got his greasy fingers on it, that's what," Manic explained seriously, "Forced Mom into hiding and separated the rest of us."

"But now we're back with reinforcements," Sonic added with a quick side glance at Shadow and the rest of the team. The scales were definitely tipped in their favor this time around. "Egghead won't know what hit him."

"I'm pretty sure he knows we're coming," Shadow countered and pointed to the massive searchlights waving along the city's perimeter. "If stealth is what we're looking for, then flying in won't be an option."

    "He's got a point, Sonic," Tails affirmed, "But I was able to add an upgrade while repairing the Tornado. Everybody on the wings, hop inside."

    Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and Manic all squeezed inside the aircraft, and Tails closed the glass canopy. A buzz echoed around them, and Sonic looked outside just in time to see the plane's wing disappear.

   "Dude! A cloaking device? Sick!" Manic cheered. The prodigy kit laughed bashfully.

     "As long as we don't fly directly into a searchlight, I think we'll be okay."

    "Way to go, little buddy," Sonic congratulated with an approving smile and a classic thumbs up, "Now Egghead really won't see us coming."

    Shadow rolled his eyes. I'm getting real tired of your puns, Sonic.

     Eh, you'll love them eventually, he thought back with a wry smirk in his direction. Shadow scoffed but didn't reply as the team of heroes soared over the city's walls undetected.

    "This is some pretty impressive tech, kiddo," Rouge mused, "Ever thought of a contract with GUN?"

     "It's not worth it," Shadow cut in before Tails could even open his mouth, "They don't pay enough for your talents. Trust me on that one."

"Wow, Shadow cracking out the compliments. The world must be ending," Rouge teased.

    "Nah, that'll only happen if he smiles," Sonic added with a grin. His sable brother rolled his eyes, his tolerance thinning.

Shadow then caught Sonic's gaze and smiled.

Sonic shrieked.

"Sonic! Shh! The Tornado isn't sound proof!" Tails reprimanded with a slight giggle, and the others burst into laughter. Sonic slouched in his seat with his arms crossed.

"He smiled right at me, and that means I'll be the first to go. You wait and see."

Shadow scoffed. "And you said I was the dramatic one."

   Sonic huffed but said nothing as he stared through the glass at the city below. At his sudden change in mood, the rest of the heroes grew silent.

    "It hasn't changed much as far as looks," Cyrus spoke up, "but..."

     "The people," Manic continued, hugging himself as hundreds of people feeling the same emotion washed over him, "they're losing hope."

    Shadow laid a grounding hand on the youngest triplet's shoulder, and the other siblings edged themselves closer to him. After sharing his secret of being an empath, the three were beginning to realize just how much other people's emotions affected his own.

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