Are you falling in love?~ ↺

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Y'all really quiet about the spicy here, huh? 👀

What 'bout just a little more.


Piper bit down on her lip as she watched intensely at (y/n) and Jason battling against each other.

She felt bothered. She felt as if Jason was her one and only, her boo, the love of her life. But when (y/n) came around she felt weird ... as if (y/n) could do better. Better than what Jason could.

What started it was surely the intense look (y/n) could get. The eyes that could make you cower behind momma's skirt at how deep and scary they were. The same eyes that seemed to thunder if he got mad enough. He was just that powerful.

But, Jason had his caring look, his soft eyes that instead thundered with anger when someone he cared about got in trouble. He was ... powerful, but gentle.

She felt divided.



Annabeth rubbed her cold hands as she watched (y/n) light up a fire in the uncharacteristically cold summer night.

She blew a hot air between her palms as she thought and thought. Her mind escaped the moment and instead focused on (y/n)'s lips. The lips that somehow always looked smooth and shiny, with the relatively new add of two piercings on each corner of his lower lips always twinkling in the moonlight.

She would never admit it out loud, but she believed her feelings couldn't get any stronger towards (y/n). She did love him, but she didn't have any courage to tell him. She felt ... cowardly, every single time (y/n) smiled at her, or laughed in that cute way of his.

Annabeth felt giddy every time they spent time together, even if just for a few moments, maybe even arguing. She always liked having him near, even if just by a quick eye contact across the room, or by spending the whole day together.

She wanted to know more about him. Experience new things with him.

Kiss him.

She didn't know exactly when this started, but she definitely knew why: his soft attitude. How he always made sure everyone around was safe and sound, treating wounds when he had the time. Most people would brush that off with his cold and angry shell, but she knew better, she experienced his kindness from the bottle of his heart, and she wanted more. Just for herself.


Most people could tell him it was weird, but falling in love with a boy was the most magical experience Nico ever felt. He couldn't get the same link with a girl, but (y/n) always had his back. He knew his boyfriend would be there if he ever needed him.

The first night they met, Nico was just a new kid. An orphan that was placed at a military school by someone he didn't even know. He felt alone, even with his sister.

But ... (y/n) was there. An orphan who got in trouble with his adopted father and was sent to the same military school, so he wouldn't cause any more trouble there.

(y/n) was a typical trouble maker, but for Nico he was perfect. He set a curtain ablaze, Nico didn't care. He only cared about how his hair looked so cute in the fire light. He got into a fight with an older kid, Nico felt his knees buckle at how handsome he looked with blood running down from his nose after winning the fight.

That's what made Nico fall head over heels in love with (y/n). Him being a trouble marker that would do anything to get some fun. Nico loved that, it was amazing.


(y/n) spoke Spanish. But not only that, he spoke it in the most sexy way that made his voice sound deeper and even more attractive than ever.

If you asked him, that's what made Leo really feel it. His voice, his accent, the way he spoke. Everything.

But also how he could be so smooth with it. If he caught you off guard, he would let a couple of pickup lines that would make you melt into a puddle. Leo loved how the Spanish nicknames always hit the right spot to make his heart race and thump! hard. Maybe Eros had hit him with an arrow and he fell, but he didn't care, he just knew (y/n) had the most attractive voice ever.


They always had a small rivalry, but they were really good friends.

In his opinion, (y/n) was cocky, but that's just what he told everyone else.

Jason liked the way (y/n) knew his own grounds. He would act with confidence in everything he did, making everyone feel a little more hopeful of whatever they were doing. It didn't matter what it was, (y/n) would handle it like a champion.

Hard homework? (y/n) would teach you a new way and make it feel easy.

Fight against a strong enemy? (y/n) would make everyone get on the edge of their seats with worry that he would die while he did something super dangerous, but then he comes back, without a scratch and smiling triumphantly.

Can't get the note in a song right? (y/n) would take your hand and guide you through the cords perfectly.

(y/n) was simply a machine of confidence. And Jason loved it.


(y/n) was training when she realized, Hazel really liked seeing him.

Maybe she couldn't really say it to him, but Hazel was ... To put it simply, pudding in (y/n) hands.

(y/n) had everything good. A perfect smile that would brighten her day, an outgoing personality that would take the weight off her shoulders, a body that could easily make a giant cry in fear, and the demanding voice that could make people obey.

She didn't spot any flaws. He was basically perfection itself.


Maybe she was crazy, but Reyna really loved how (y/n) could get when he went fighting.

He would always do crazy things and look hot while doing it.

He could do the most precise and majestic steps when he was in danger. He looked as if he was dancing, and boy, did he dance well.

He always talked and joked to the person he was fighting against. When they fought against each other he would tease her about her messy fighting style, and how she almost stumbled on her step when she didn't know what to do. It made her angry, but when she saw it happen to someone else, it sure was something.


To put it lightly, Rachel wanted to kiss him.

Every time she looked at him, she felt, well, wet down there. She could spare a glance and instantly grip her thighs together. (y/n) had her wrapped around his fingers, but the idiot didn't even know it.

She blushed every time he winked at her and mindlessly flirted, calling her cute names and making her wish he was hers. He could simply tell her to kneel and she believed she would.

She couldn't even remember the amount of times she trembled after she came down from her highs in the middle of the night at the thought of him. Touching herself at the memory of his voice, moaning in need of his tongue inside her.

She remembered the time she fled from him after she got too bothered and had to aliviate in the bathroom, struggling to keep quiet as she whined his name so he wouldn't hear.

She needed him.

But that was in the past. She got over him.

For the most part, at least.

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