The Chase and the McLean♡

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(y/n) and Piper sat awkwardly inside the Artemis cabin. It's been a few hours since they made their relationship official, but they didn't have much to talk about now.

  Piper parted her lips to break the silence, but before her voice properly left in the form of a sentence, (y/n) turned around and laid onto her, his head against her chest and his arms loosely around her waist.

  "Oh..." Piper muttered quietly.

  She looked down at the boy currently clinging to her side like a lazy sloth. Their eyes locked onto each other, and she slightly tilted her head.

  She didn't notice the two of them had been leaning closer to each other, or even the fact that Annabeth had opened the cabin's door and was now looking down at the two who sat on the floor. She just knew that their lips met halfway, and his mouth tasted of pine needle tea with a slight tint of Mentos or Skittles–she couldn't quite place her finger on it.

  She quickly drowned in the feeling of his smooth lips against her slightly chapped ones, the warmth spreading all across her body as she pushed him back, against a bed foot, before she climbed on top of him, straddling his waist.

  Piper and (y/n) were momentarily shoved out of their intimate moment when the door abruptly closed. The two looked towards the entrance and exit of the cabin, with a lack of person standing in front of it. Piper looked back at (y/n)'s breathless face, and smirked.

  "I see why Annabeth likes this," she muttered, before their lips once again met, not bothered by the interruption.


  (y/n) laid back against his beanbag, his left arm raised above his head as he watched his own hand and forearm. He looked at his 15th birthday gift he received from his mother and his older sister, Thalia–the bracelet with all black, round stones, for the exception of the two pinks, the one purple and the two blues. The bi flag. Above it, a tribute to Zoë: Anaklumos, Percy's pen that could turn into a sword, underneath a constellation of a girl shooting an arrow, marked into the back of his palm.

  Piper laid by his side on the beanbag, her legs thrown over his stomach as she rested the back of her head on her forearms and hands.

  Annabeth worked on the table in the middle of the cabin, being the only one of the trio that wasn't relaxed and laid back.

  "What is she even doing?" Piper groaned quietly towards (y/n), not wanting to bother Annabeth.

  Though she didn't get any response, seeing as the boy was spacing out while looking at the memories of both his sister on his left arm.


  (y/n) opened his house's door, Percy walking in behind him as the two were slightly dripping sweat from being in their school's Track team and Swimming team, respectively.

  The two brothers froze as they looked at the mess of people sitting in their living room. Annabeth and Piper were intertwined on the couch watching TV, Gwen was gaming on (y/n)'s Switch on the armchair, Nico was sat on the ground and eating on the coffee table, and Kasey was laying down on the floor, while Sally and Paul were at the kitchen, with the smell of cookies and brownies filling the air.

  "Welcome back," Nico was the first to greet, not even bothering to swallow his cookie before speaking.

  "Hey," Kasey's voice called, though she didn't make any effort to get up and greet her brother, and her brother's brother.

  Gwen looked up from their game, eyes twinkling as she saw Percy, quickly putting the console down on the armchair and running up to their boyfriend, completely ignoring (y/n).

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