💀Nico's Lovely Partner👑

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Percy, Cyrus and (y/n) watched as dozens upon dozens of kids, dressed in old Greek armor, kneeled upon their feet.

  The glowing, green Trident symbol above Percy's head was a decently clear sign that he was being claimed, but the sudden breeze, filled with the scent of flowers and recently burnt ashes, wasn't really a specific give-away that the new kid was being announced to the world what was the godly parent he had been born from. No one even noticed, not even him.

  It was just that, for around thirty seconds, of awkward silence from (y/n)'s behalf.

  He was flabbergasted, if that is even considered a proper word. He, Cyrus and Percy woke up on the same day, the three of them had no idea what they we're doing, they became friends in the short period of the last days, they trained together, learned what being a Half-Blood feels like. All of that, just for him to be left out, not be claimed by his godly parent, while Percy was there, starstruck that Chiron had announced Poseidon was his father.

  (y/n) just stared at the ground as small tears of something even he didn't know the cause filled his eyes. Maybe it was embarrassment, from being another exile in the Hermes cabin, maybe shame, for being merely a product from something that wasn't seen important in his parent's eyes, or maybe just rage, from not having the same luxurious calls from his parent as Percy did–simply because he was jealous.


  (y/n) sat in front of the fire in the middle of the ground, watching the girl that seemed around his age poke it and keep the flame alive and warm. He hugged his legs to his chest, placing his head on top of his knees and sitting there in comfort with the silence, feeling the calm from the quietness, away from the cramped, noisy cabin eleven.

  The young girl stopped grooming the fire, instead staring deeply into (y/n)'s direction, as if just now she had understood his presence beside her. He was actually sitting near her, and he wasn't doing anything special, he didn't seem to need anything, either.

  "What's wrong?" she frowned. "Why did you come to me?"

  "I just ... " (y/n) tried to think properly for his answer, worrying what the girl would think of him, even though he didn't know her. "I guess I thought I would be claimed like Percy. Nobody came to just say, “Oh, hey, I'm your godly parent,” or anything. Nobody gave me a sign. I don't even know who they are."

  "But ... you have been claimed," the girl muttered in confusion. "Didn't you feel it?"

  (y/n) stared at the girl, blankly, as his mouth stayed slightly ajar. "What?"

  "You have been claimed. Recently, by the looks of it. You don't seem to even know how it happened," her eyebrows furrowed.

  "So ... who am I?" (y/n) grumbled in a short demand.

  "You have to feel that for yourself, child," the girl smiled gently, gesturing toward the flame with her head.

  (y/n) took a hot minute, before his hand slowly inched closer to the burning woods into the middle of the campfire. His body flinched back in instinct, before he processed that the fire wasn't hurting him, instead, quite the opposite. The flames were only making him feel more in peace, more at home.

  He blinked slowly, worried something wrong was about to happen, still. He retrieved his fingertips from the blaze and stared at the girl in confusion.

  "What... " (y/n) mumbled shortly, "what was that?"

  The small girl smiled. "Try it again," she offered. "Play with the fire."

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