together with mason mount🤍

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it's been 4 months with mason, im so happy, I've gotten so close with Ben, he's like my big brother, whenever there's a problem, I go straight to him if mase isn't free, I also have gotten so close with the groupchat, we go out all the time and there are no dramas or problems with them! And their girlfriends are so nice, I feel so privileged. I cannot still get over the fact that masons mine, I'm the luckiest girlfriend ever. I can't wait for our future together, I love him so much!!!

Erin: what are you doing today babe? *you shout upstairs*

by this time you've moved in with mason and met each other's families etc.

Mason: I've got the match against norwhich today, can you come?

Erin: yes ofc!! *you message sophia to let her know to save a seat in the box*


erin: hey soph!! can you save me a seat in the box today, im coming!

Sophia: hey girl, no worries, see you there!

mason: does the kit look alright on me?

mason: does the kit look alright on me?

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Erin: duh! You look hotttt *you blush*

Mason: god I love you *you guys kiss*

Erin: right let me get dressed so we can head off.

you wear this as you know when you drive there, his fans will try and take pictures, so you don't want to overdress but you don't want to look homeless

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you wear this as you know when you drive there, his fans will try and take pictures, so you don't want to overdress but you don't want to look homeless.

3 hours later and you are at Stamford bridge for the match, mason leaves you to go to the changing rooms, and you make your way to the boxes.
You walk inside the area to go to the boxes and get welcomed by the staff there, you then take the lift up to the second floor which is where sophias box is, you head to the second door and open it slowly to then see sophia and paula standing there together.

You walk inside the area to go to the boxes and get welcomed by the staff there, you then take the lift up to the second floor which is where sophias box is, you head to the second door and open it slowly to then see sophia and paula standing ther...

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