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“so, um... what made you suddenly come here?”

beomgyu just looked down, unable to answer. taehyun gently grabbed on beomgyu's cheek, slowly tuning his face so he'd look at him. (i can't find the exact words help ;-;)

it was only then taehyun noticed beomgyu's puffy eyes and his cheeks had dried tear marks on them. just by that look of beomgyu alone, caused taehyun to panic.

beomgyu took a deep breath before answering, avoiding to look at taehyun, “i decided to visit my parents earlier, then they started fighting...”

beomgyu shooked his head, turning away from taehyun, “i don't know... i just panicked and ran away.”

taehyun is not one to know how to comfort anyone. all he could do was scoot a little closer to beomgyu, awkwardly wrapping his arms around his friend, hugging him.

beomgyu just glaced at taehyun, confused, “what are you doing?”

“i don't really know how to comfort people, so i'll just hug you and just hope it'll do something.”

beomgyu just giggled, leaning in to taehyun's warmth, finding at least a little comfort. taehyun held him a little closer and started humming a song, hoping it'll make it more comfortable for beomgyu.

the two stayed like that, enjoying each other's comfortable presence. “i wanna tell you something...” beomgyu just hummed in response.

“lately, i've been feeling these weird things about-” taehyun didn't finished his words as he heard soft little snores.

taehyun covered his face with one of his hands, whilst the other stayed on beomgyu's body, completely embarrassed. he glaced at beomgyu — who was asleep in his arms — as he stared longer on the other boy, he felt his heart beating crazy once again. he groaned in frustration.

he slowly lays beomgyu down his bed, covering the other boy's body with a blanket. he sat next to the sleeping boy, he gently brushes the hair from beomgyu's face.

he stands up and walks out the room, carefully closing the door as he walked out. he walks downstairs, only to find his aunt sitting by the dinning table, working.

taehyun sat in front on his aunt, sighing. “what's wrong?” his aunt asked, not looking away from the laptop screen.

his mother left him in such a young age. leaving his aunt to take care and raise taehyun like he was her own son. “nothing, just tired...”

his aunt just nodded, turning her attention towards him, “what about that friend of your's? did something happened to him that caused him to rush here at this hour?”

“he told me something happened at home...” his aunt just hummed at his response.

taehyun just stared blankly somewhere, letting his mind wonder off in some random thoughts of his. he stayed like that for ten minutes, before deciding to go to sleep.

“i'll go to bed, good night aunty.”

“good night, hyun.”

~ 22:01 ~

taehyun stared at the ceiling, blushing. he was laying in bed, right next to beomgyu. he moves to his side, facing beomgyu's sleeping figure. he just chuckled.

without even bother thinking, he wrapped beomgyu in his blanket before wrapping his arms around beomgyu. and slowly, he drifted to sleep.

he had never been this comfortable.

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