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~ 16:21 / university gate ~

“so, about what you said earlier!” beomgyu says as he grinned, “you're going to make it up to me today!”

taehyun just shrugged, not even fighting it; since he knew that beomgyu will most likely annoy him ti'll he says yes. and besides, it's beomgyu, what could possibly his lover could do that could make him rethink his life choices.

taehyun, without a second thought, held beomgyu's hand, with his other hand gently playing with his lover's hair. “well then, my gyu, where should we go?”

~ 16:41 / beach ~

beomgyu ran towards the shore; taking off his shoes and dips his feet on the water, in which he exclaimed, “it' so cold!”

taehyun just watched from afar. his face displayed a very fond smile. his expression was making it obvious how much he's in love with the person in his eyes right now. the person he wants to spend his future with. (lowkey wishing for someone to look at me like that ;-;)

he enjoys spending the present with his lover. beomgyu had been with him since the past, now, he wants to be his future.

“yah, kang taehyun!” beomgyu called, causing taehyun to snap back to reality, “come here and join me! the water is really chilly!”

taehyun chuckles at his lover's silly ways. he drops their bags and took off his shoes before joining beomgyu in the water.

he lightly spashed water in beomgyu. beomgyu shrieks, “yah! it's cold!” beomgyu as well splashed water onto him, in which taehyun was lucky to dodge it.

“let's get out, you might catch a cold...” taehyun says in a soft voice, patting his lover's head as he spoke.

beomgyu sits on the sand, trying to catch hjs breath between his laughs. taehyun just chuckles at the way his lover looks — so pretty. the stars must be filled with jealousy with how bright and beautiful the boy infront of him. taehyun must've done something in his past life that caused him to have someone like beomgyu in his life.

he sits down beside beomgyu, leaning his head on his lover's shoulder. beomgyu just giggled and rest his head on taehyun's. the two sat there enjoying the sound of waves and the gentle winds brushing on them. “i wish we could stay like this...” beomgyu whispered.

taehyun takes a breath, whispering back, “i wish so too.”

“is there still something you want to do?”

~ 17:32 / bookstore ~

taehyun just followed beomgyu around, not even questioning anything.

“hyunie, which one do you think looks better?” beomgyu asked, showing two envelopes with different colors. taehyun just blinks and responded, “the pastel blue one is better.”

beomgyu looked at the two envelopes on his hands in confusion, “i kinda like the red one since it has a small strawberry drawing in the side... but i think i blue one is also pretty.”

“where do you need that for?” taehyun asked as he took the blue envelopes to his hands and watched beomgyu put back the other one. beomgyu just playfully rolled his eyes, “it's a secret!”


as the two exists the store, beomgyu quickly sat on the bench outside, while taehyun went up to a vending machine to buy a drink.

taehyun walks back to his lover, handing him a soda can from the vending machine. beomgyu smiles at him and grabs the can — which unintentionally slipped from his hand, causing it to fall on the ground. taehyun sighs and picks the soda can up, giving it back to beomgyu, and noticed how beomgyu's hand was slightly shaking.

he places the soda can next to beomgyu on the bench and proceeding to held beomgyu's shaking hang. he squeezes his lover's hand as an attempt to warm him. beomgyu on gave a nervous chuckle, “sorry i dropped it...”

“don't worry,” taehyun responded, still focusing on warming his lover, “you should've told me you were cold.”

“heh... sorry...”

taehyun lightly shakes his head and removes the red scarf he was wearing. he gently wraps the scarf on beomgyu, causing his lover to blush at the action. “you should've brought a scarf!” taehyun scolds, lightly hitting beomgyu on the forehead; causing his lover to wince in pain, “it's literally winter!”

“again! i'm sorry!” beomgyu whined, rubbing his forehead.

~ 19:21 / sidewalk ~

the two lovers were walking towards beomgyu's house. after the little event from outside the bookstore, the two went towards the arcade for a little while and then decided to chill on the park then played together in the playground.

beomgyu touches his neck, his eyes widening as he realized he wasn't wearing taehyun's scarf. “ack- your scarf! i left it on the bench!”

“hey, it's okay...” taehyun says as he held beomgyu's hand to stop him from panicking, “no need to panic, we'll just go and get it.”

the two turned back around and went back to the park, their hands were connected, not having a plan to let go of each other.


“ah, there it is!” beomgyu exclaimed and ran towards the bench, only falling on the ground a few steps from the bench. taehyun quickly run towards his lover and picked him up from the ground, “are you okay?” he asked.

“y-yea... yea, i-i'm fine...” beomgyu whispered. his voice was shaking, he looked around as an attempt to stop himself from crying. taehyun gently places him on the bench and once again wrapped the scarf around beomgyu.

“is there a problem? i noticed you were a bit distant and distracted today...”

beomgyu looks down, not having the strength to look at his lover, “i-i'm... i'm not...”

“i'm sorry..?”

“i'm not doing any better...”

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