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~ thursday, 14:20 / hospital ~

“oh... what are you still doing here?”

taehyun stood awkwardly in the doorway of beomgyu's room. the way his lover's question came out like a slur to him, makes him feel suffocated. taehyun took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the bed, where beomgyu was sitting.

he silently sat next to beomgyu, staring at the floor, just like what his lover is doing. he noticed his scarf was neatly folded and was placed on the nightstand. “why are you still here?” he heard beomgyu whisper, “why haven't you left?”

“is there a reason why i shouldn't be next to you?” taehyun whispers back. beomgyu only lets out a small chuckle at taehyun's response, “usually you'd disappear suddenly when i get-”

“i know... i was a coward...” taehyun interrupts his lover. he sighed and leaned on beomgyu's shoulder. he wrapped his arms around his lover's body, closing his eyes, and just hoped he wouldn't let go, “i'm trying to fix those mistake, even though i can't, just so i could be someone you deserved... someone- someone you would want to marry and spend the rest of your life with.”

the hears sniffles coming from beomgyu. taehyun panicked and pulled away from beomgyu. he finds beomgyu wiping his tears away. taehyun gently held his lover's face, wiping away the tears. “w-why are you crying, my gyu?”

“that- that was s-so... cheesy!” beomgyu laughs in between his sniffles. taehyun only stared at beomgyu in disbelief. after a few moments, he finds himself laughing as well. he pulls beomgyu into his embrace. taehyun, as well, finds himself tearing up. he bit the insides of his cheeks to stop himself from releasing a sob.

~ 17:32 / hospital, rooftop ~

“so, how's gyu doing?” soobin asked. his smile hinted a bit of sadness. taehyun sat beside the older boy on the bench, handing him a drink — in which soobin gladly took.

“he's still the same old gyu... just less  enthusiastic as he used to.”

soobin just let out a small laugh. he turned towards taehyun with a smile still on his face, “you know, taehyun, you piss me off, sometimes.”

“o-oh... i'm sorry..?” taehyun responded, was caught off guard by what the older boy had said to him — not because of what he actually said, but it's because of the fact that soobin wasn't the person to blurt out his feelings out of the blue.

soobin just laughed at taehyun's reaction, and brushing it off as something so normal, “don't take it the wrong way!”

taehyun just awkwardly laughed, “i really thought i did something, don't scare me like that!” soobin apologies in between his laughs.

‘oh but you did do something.’

“take care of gyu,” said soobin as soon as he stopped laughing, “i think that's the least you could do to make it up for me.”


~ 20:45 / hospital room ~

“are you feeling comfortable?” taehyun asked his lover. beomgyu only chuckled at his sudden change of attitude, “i am, what's wrong? did soobin hyung said something to you earlier”

no- no, no, don't worry about anything!” taehyun smiles. “you're acting weird, you're not usually this sweet.”

taehyun shook his head at his lover's words, “and you, yourself, is also acting weird, you don't usually complain when i do this.”

beomgyu laughs, “you're annoying.”

~ • ~ • ~

merry christmas :D

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