A Truth Born from Lies (Yuriko Watanabe, aka Wraith)

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"Spider-Man" The voice of one ex-captain of the police force,Yuriko Watanabe, sounded angrier than usual. She glared at the already mentioned hero, who was currently entering the fray of her war against Mister Negative. "Why are you here?" She had lost her focus, ignoring just how the villain escaped along with some of his henchmen. Her concentration lay in the hero she had previously worked with, when she was acting as the perfect Captain of the Police Force of New York. Something that she couldn't handle any longer. "Why won't you leave me alone?"

"Because I haven't given up on you..." She rolled her eyes behind her purple mask. She would have scoffed, but she didn't want to be vocal about it. The man had helped her various times in the past, and respecting him was the least she could do. But she didn't want to go back to that so-called perfect life, she loved being Wraith. "I still think that you can change the path you have been following"

"What if I don't want to change?" She asked, daring the hero to even try and answer her question. She didn't need someone taking care of her. She had been fully capable of protecting herself and helping others in her own way. She didn't need his help in any sort of way, not any longer.

"I don't believe that" She just stared at the man, who was falling from the metal columns, with a heated glare. He can believe all he wants, but she is a new woman. She had left her past as Yuriko and had become Wraith, a ghost that haunted any evil that she encounters. "I can't believe that. The Yuri I know-"

"The Yuri you know?!" She removed her mask in anger, no hesitation when she took off the purple mask she had on. Her glare could now be seen to the entire world, the anger in her eyes to the words stated by the arachnid hero. "She wasn't real. A story I made up, a lie I told myself!" She was now yelling, standing face to face with the red and blue hero in front of her. She was angry, but even she could understand why Spider-Man still tried to seemingly get her back. He still believed that the real her was the lie she had created for her entire life. "Do you know what a Wraith is? It's a wisp, a trace, a ghost..."


"It all made sense when I killed a man last night" She interrupted him once more, moving her hands to put on her mask once more. Surprisingly enough, she saw that Spider-Man was holding her hands down from putting back her mask. She began to use more force, but she really didn't expect for the man to use even more strength. "Yuriko Watanabe would have been horrified by the act" She stated, continuing her jabs at the man with her words. He needed to understand that she was not the woman that he believed her to be. She was the ghost, the faded memory of anger and suffering. "But you know how I felt? I felt-"

"Free" It was then that she looked at the hero straight into his white lenses. Her struggles to put her mask back on completely froze the second he utter the word. She didn't expect the man to understand what she truly felt when becoming the Wraith. "You felt free... Just how I did very long ago, Yuri..."

"Y-You? Please... You wouldn't even kill a fly if you wanted to" She scoffed a bit, her slight stutter compromising her. She was definitely not as confident as before. She knew that Spider-Man had gone through a lot, more so than what she had done in the last months. But never in her life had she heard of Spider-Man actually dealing a killing blow.

"Berlin" The name of the country confused the former police captain quite a bit. She didn't understand what it had to do with him knowing what she felt. "I was like sixteen or seventeen when I went there and found the Wolverine there as well" She slowly nodded, understanding now that Berlin was where the hero supposedly had felt the same way she did. "My senses were warning of an attack, an attack I thought was coming from the mutant who is now almost my brother..." She could see the lenses shift slightly, probably signifying the fact that his expression shifted. She was more impressed by the mask the man had than with the story at the moment. She hoped that she could get a mask that could do that. It would be way easier to scare her enemies. "But reality was another story completely. Thinking that it was the Wolverine, I punched with all my strength. I ended up killing a woman because of it. She was a bad person, having already killed hundreds, but she was still a human"

"And what does that had to do with-"

"Because I was happy she was dead" She widened her eyes, looking just how the lenses of the man just stared right into her soul. It was unnerving, looking just how the hero changed his attitude from slight remorse to not having anything at all. "Don't get me wrong, I was mortified about what I did. But I know that with her gone, millions are alive. And I am happy for not restricting myself" She looked down, looking into the mask of the person she had become. Was it really worth becoming just a memory? "Do I still feel bad for killing her, maybe... But I have to live with the fact that not even I can save everyone, even if I always say that I will do so"

"What then? Just start lying to myself once more? To become the puppet again?" She asked, her brows narrowing slightly as her eyes focused slightly on the man. She heard a sigh escape from him and in seconds, she was really face to face with the man. She felt her breath go away for a moment, a moment when her cheeks gathered a high amount of heat on them.

"No... Be whoever you want to be, but I know that you are still that magnificent woman that loves saving lives. Not the vigilante that takes them away" The words of the brown haired man in front of her went deep. It felt like an arrow to the heart. Was her life meant to be surrounded by lies? Why couldn't she just live her life without outright lying to herself? "Take the truths of both of your lies and make it a reality. Become the vigilante that lives pursuing evil, capturing them for the police and saving the lives of the innocent" His words kept hitting her deep. It was like a constant shower of truths being revealed to her. "And I couldn't watch you keep doing this to yourself... I love you too much to see you like this, Yuri"

"Wha-" Her mouth was unable to produce any other word. Her eyes opened wide in shock as she felt the rough lips of the hero in front of her. Her heart throbbed against her chest, letting out a muffled moan as she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck. She didn't expect this outcome, but she was glad it happened. Maybe this would also be a lie that she can also start ignoring once more.

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