Surprise surprise

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Esmeralda woke up feeling really accomplished, she gets to embark on a new challenge.

She only works by her rules and principles. When her father told her about her next quest she was reluctant about it, she believed in surprises and the challenges ahead.

By 7 sharp she was already ready to go, she wore a nice rich velvety coat with white top and paired with a black pants and black boots to match.

She wanted to dress for the job, she always had to make an effort to look corporate.

She walked into the building silently cracking the walls as she slammed her heels to the floor while moving her body in sync.

"Please do you know which floor MR.Hernan's office is?" She asked the blue eyed receptionist.

"hello, welcome you are the new temp secretary ?"


"Here is your card, it allows you to swipe through his office and some other offices but is restricted to some levels," she said handing her a black card with HN imprinted on it.

"And his floor is on the 29th and a colleague will show you the ropes of the game", she said with a warm smile.

She reached the top floor, it was largely spacious and less rowdy but she wasn't impressed she had seen better.

"Hello I'm Sandy, you will be replacing me for three months I'm just going to show you how Mr.Hernan operates and all the files you need to study for the company's transactions and business partners, shareholders and how to manage his schedule", she said reaching out her hand to Esmeralda.

"Ohh hi I'm Esmeralda"-

She narrated everything to Esmeralda who quite frankly was getting bored.

She kept repeating everything over and over again.

She blamed it on her pregnancy hormones.

She couldn't wait to see him.

"He likes hot chocolate with extra cream and two cubes of sugar, apart from that you are good to go", she said grabbing her bag."

"Thanks for the help and I wish you a safe delivery,"Esmeralda said.
She went to the restroom to freshen up by the time she came back he was already in his office.

She quietly walked to his door and knock in which she got a respond and entered.

She came across flashing images that have secretly haunted her in which she kept the files as unforgettable memories.

Hernan looked up just to see the woman that filled him with deluding images day and night.She wasn't beautiful or drop dead gorgeous but she was intense,intriguing with her captivating shade of amber brown eyes.

You dare not mess with her...

A Ghost..

As she came so shall she go.
Three months ago! Mexico
Esmeralda walked into the hotel in a very provocative dress that all heads had turned around and bowed as she strutted her heels. Henan was astounded by the strange beauty.

"Hello what is your name."

"Why don't you tell me yours first",she said with a husky voice.

"I asked you first", he replied

"Is that the your way of asking me to fuck"? He had never met a bold woman who dared to speak to him in such a manner.

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