blow up

37 13 1

Dedicated to@infika such a lovely friend and @reaa

Taking her phone and calling her

"I need to see you".
That was all he needed to know as he hung up on her.

Walking into the scenery and seing her brother already seated on The sand looking at the far horizon.

"You found out didn't you?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"she asked.

"I don't want you to think the wrong way of mama."

"What wrong way, the fact that she had a child and you didn't bother telling me and you knew because you were with her and you didn't say anything."

She said as she pointed her finger on His chest with a vile glare at him.

How could he not tell her.

"She lost the baby." He said while looking somewhere else, her gaze was too tense that it could actually melt ice.

"You know maybe he isn't always the bad guy,mama is as equal as him" she said hastily while still maintaining her calm posterior.

Something so vile and harsh come out in Such a way like she slayed dragons while sleeping.

"No you like standing up for him, maybe its because you are as equally as harsh and cold as him."

She stood up and grabbed him by the neck looking at him with such hatred,her eyes turning a different shade of brown and her grip strenthin.

"You were always a softie, the one who blamed papa, you just couldn't handle it could you?"she said as she gave such a bitter laugh that nearly shook him.

This was a side of her he didn't want to see. The angry and beast side of her.

"Let go of me before something else happenes to the both of us" he said calmly while clutching her hand.

"Piss off" she said as she knee kicked his crouch.

"Valya!" He shouted furiously while clutching his crouch.

"Shut up."she said as she glanced at him.

"We are leaving with valya" he said while still suffering from the pain.

She gently knelt down to him and looked at the eyes of her brothers which looked perplexed while trying to gage her mood.

"Let me tell you one thing, if you disappear I will hunt you and kill you."

"I don't want valya close to you or papa"

She scrunched her eyebrows.

"Explain".she said as they both got up from the ground.

"She is already like you and I don't need any more reminder of how papa treated you." He said looking intently into her eyes.

"What's so wrong being me?"she said looking g back at him the same way.

"Look at you, take a look around, nobody can even cone close to you without thinking twice, you're like a cold being who is isolated from the world with brains that are calculative and eyes that are sharp".

"I don't want that life for my daughter, I want to take her out and see her laugh and giggle with her friends and enjoy ice cream together while discussing boys that she likes" he said as he laughed at the last part.

"You're a coward" she said looking at him as she crossed bother her arms.

"What?" He said raising both hands.

"You're running from a life that is already yours. How can a snake run from his venom?" She asked as she laughed a very dry laugh.

"Do you want to paint rainbows in the air and draw unicorns for her?

"or do you want to brace her for the life ahead of her and teach her who a krustov is, she willll be pushed in a world she knows nothing about at the near end, peopls will find her. Remember we are the head and never the tail, we rule and can never be ruled and that girl is dead smart and I guess you are running from me and your shadow."

"A snake can never run from his venom and even though he does, he is never the same."

He looked out of state like his brains had been ripped out.

"Goodbye brother I guess you wouldn't get to see your niece anymore"she said as she tapped his arm and left

Before he could process what she said she was gone into broad into the broad day light with her scent drifting away.

I hope you love this chapter.

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