always a shocker

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Still shocked from what his sister said, he couldn't think straight.

The question on his mind was whether she was pregnant or had a child already.

One never knew  with his sister, always a shocker.

Walking into office the following Monday, she knew she had some explaining to do to her boss on how she showed up at the showcase.

"You come here!" Hernän called pointing  his hand towards him.

"Explain to me how you got there" he asked while penetrating his eyes towards her.

"I don't know what you are talking about" she answered returning back the state.

Abruptly standing up with speed and clasping her neck with a firm grip.

"Dont pretend" he retorted.

She still looked calm and daring with an evident smile on her face.

"You have a firm grip I must say"she said as she whacked his hand off her.

"Dont you ever touch me like that" she said as she massaged her neck.

"Answer me!" His body brooding with anger.

"And if I don't?"she wittily answered back.

"Who are you anyway? You get into the top showcase and waltz in as my Secretary"he asked looking into her eyes.

They say the eyes are the Windows to the soul but hers was a deep ocean.

"Sir your next meeting is due in ten" she said abruptly as she began walking out.

"You were the one." He said with absolute recognition.

She looked back and with a little hint of emotion breeezing by her eyes before dissapearing into thin air.

He had hit home as much as the feelings were foreign to her she knew she let her guard down.

Picking up her phone to answer her brothers call.

"What do you want?" She immediately asked.

"What do you mean by what you said huh? You leave me with riddles and disappear?"

"You heard correctly, I thought you were leaving huh?"she retorted.


The line went off. She had no energy to begin a fight with her brother. He of all people should understand that she was a person of few words she thought.

"Dad, who is she?" His son asked.

"Who are you talking about?"he answered coolly

"You know  who, so let's not beat around the bush"

" that girl is very dangerous" he told him while looking thtought the Windows.

"What do you mean?"

"Deception comes in different disguises, you have to be a ble to differentiate the both my son".He answered before walking out.

Everyone seemed to be aware of this girl but also seemed perplex as to why she wasn't fired. Maybe it's because of his affiliated relationship with her or the saying goes, " keep your friends close and your enemy closer".

He sat down to think about his mystery girl, as much as he was a blank wall, his mystery girl is darkness and space all together.

He couldn't crack her levels of darkness for its depth is as infinity as a sea. He knew he recongnised her face too well. Those dark eyes that stared at him during their steamy session of sex.

It wasn't love making it was much more deep,intense and emotionless.

A complex relationship that only themselves knew, a complex love that only their hearts could understand, a complex game that only their brains understood.

Definitely not a love story but a story about their love. Rewind and think again.

A love story without  love, a game with just the brain and passion without submission.


Believe you me this story is just as complicated as finding your faith. Nothing goes as planned, not even the writer knows what is bound to happen.

Next update coming soon.

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