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Rodriguez walked in to see a very pissed off Hernan, "what's up bro, what has got you so worked up?"

"The temp secretary there is something fishy about her, she looks like a fighter, look at her posture, her toned arms you can only have that kind of arms is when you have handle a gun.

I need to know everything about her, we cannot have someone snooping around our business at this crucial time with the deal involving the Russians".

"Don't be so tense, I think you are just exaggerating but she does look like a ball of fire, I'll bring the reports tomorrow is that ok?"

"Oh I forgot to add I actually slept with her in Mexico three months ago and she was gone like a ghost, she is fishy", Hernan said.

Esmeralda was reading through the documents Sandy gave her and she could recognize some names she knew her dad did business with.

She scanned the documents once and all the companies documents it shouldn't take her more than two hours she thought.

Time had flew it was already 4 and she needed to get to her father's, she stood up and knocked the door

"Is there anything you need me to do I'm about to go", she said.

"No, actually yes"-

"And what is that-"

"You can shut-up and leave",he replied dryly

Her face was still blank before she could say anything more and blow her cover she walked out but didn't close the door and she heard him calling out to her but being the badass that she is she left.

The black SUV was already waiting for her, she hopped in and they were off to her dad's.

It took them a whole 2hours to get there.

They finally arrived and she quickly entered her father's mansion, she met her father's house keeper Alya, "

"where is papa", she asked

"Ohhh he is at the dinning on the second floor", the petite woman answered.

She always wondered why he had a big dinning with antiques and massive draped curtains when he lived alone, after all he was the reason why her mother left with her brother and she was always behind the shadows.

No one knew she was his daughter because shortly after her mom gave birth to her she was taken by her dad and the story goes on from there.

"Papa, I got what you asked and I don't think I can last that long in that office, it is just not my style. Of all the missions you have given me why choose to put me in an office where my brains are not put to use or my skills", she said sternly.

Being brought up like a man by the ruthless Russian brute there was no room for pleasantries.

"And is that the way to address me prizrak", he replied sternly shooting an icy glare

"Oh yes that is the way I address you, I am nothing but an asset to you right, so you can finish off your dirty laundry with the Mexicans right?

"Papa I am warning you for the last time you gave birth to me but you are never my father,
I only agreed to do this shit because you have Mama with you, I can disappear and to God who made me you will never find me."

"Remember I am not call prizrak (ghost in Russian)for a reason. What have you done as a father to me-"

"Don't you dare, remember I am your father and you talk to me as one", he shouted at the top of his voice, clenching his fist in anger.

"A father my foot, if I were you, I will not to mess with the Mexicans, they are dangerous people I went through their business files which had the shareholder and it is glad to know that your so called trusted friend MR. King owns 25% of their shares, can you care to explain why?"

"Papa tread creafully as much as I hate you with every bone and muscles in my blood, you taught me that blood is thicker than water."

"After this I am done for good, no more missions or your dirty laundry am I understood?"

"I can't guarantee that but I can guarantee that your mama will be free", he said with a grim smile.

"After this I am done, if you don't agree then all your dirty laundry goes to the FBI. I am a built in hard drive because of my memory and I will expose you till you have nothing left, I will crumble your world that even a pauper will be better than you", she said walking towards him like a wounded tigress.

He was about to raise his hand but she beat him to it, she held his hand midway and dislocated his upper arm

"Don't you even dare old man, I am this tempted to kill you now"- before she could move he had already swung her arms and she was on the floor-

"you never know when your enemy will strike, you are always a ball of fire and very much predictable.

Be cautious and alarmed at all times", he said with his thick Russian accent.

She stood up before her dad could turn around she was gone and only she could move like a ghost like never before seen.

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