A failed trial

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Shout out to #blaky_boo#katb145#imperfect creation#skygurlxzxxz.
Thanks for voting and your support. Love you loads.

Esmeralda woke up from the continuous ringing at 3 am which was her usual waking up time.

"What?" She said, she never had any phone pleasantries

"Valya,she is gone I can't find her"he said in a dead calm.

Immediately recognizing her brothers voice.


"Little valya, she has been missing since 4hours ago." "I went to check on her before I slept and I couldn't find her but what I found was a feather".he said almost breaking down.

She immediately understood what was going on, she knew exactly who it was and the only person that came to her mind was....

"Don't worry, she will be safe." "Sleep and I will cone up with something" she said calmly

"How can I sleep when my valya isn't here, how could you be so cold Valya?" He said raising his voice


She hung up on him. Who else could say sleep when your child is kidnapped,only her.

she couldn't really concentrate through out work she knew she had some things to do after work.

"Excuse me sir, I have sent all the invites for the showcase"...


"Do you have to be so rude"she muttered to herself

"What did you say?"hernan said looking up from his computer.

"I said you don't have to be so rude" she said strutting her way to him

She stood in front of him brought her upper body to him and whispered

"It won't hurt if you were a little nicer" she said in a hushed tone

"What are you doing" he said in a strained tone.

"What do you think Hernan, what do you want us to do" she said sitting on the floor as she crossed herself looking up at him

"What you're trying to do isn't working". He said looking straight at her

She crawled towards him

"I'm not doing anything but rather ease you off the attention"

She walked towards the end of the room and fixed a scotch sneakily putting in a substance inside.

"Take". She handed it to him

"who are you Nayeli, tell me"

"I'm not your secretary now"

"What are you on about"?

She straddled him with both of her legs on either side of his leg

"tell me"

She could see it had started to affect him by the way his pupils were dilated.

"I like black and love it rough" he said his pupils Turing a different shade of brown

"Hmmnn...you like it rough.. I like mine aggressive" she said connecting her head to his

She was about to kiss him then stopped. The medicine has taken effect on him.

She stood up from the heated position between both of them.

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