Chapter 16 - Sinn Phairoh Side Story

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A week ago

Phairoh POV

Moving into the new house was a weird experience. This was the first time we had to leave home because we lived in our own house for like decades. Chay didn't even care though, he probably is more focused on his love life and whatever college kids are into these days.

"HELLO and welcome!" The house owner announced. He does have a wild appearance alright. SO extravagant. He even had a headpiece on. But I loved the vibe. "These are my helpers, Pol and Arm. Pol takes care of cooking, Arm helps with all the errands and stuff. They are like my stay-at-home besties. They're also my guards in case anything happens. You" He pointed at me. " You will stay upstairs to the right, and kid, your room is downstairs. I am giving you these rooms because my younger sister and brother don't live here anymore. All their stuff is in the store room so you can use everything in the rooms. IN FACT, you can use their stuff too!"

Seems like he hates his siblings but good for us I guess.

"OH COOL, you have a guitar!" Chay squealed. "Yeah, my younger brother used it. You can have it if you want!" he said.

"This weekend I am having a moving-in party for you guys! Be there by 7!" He said. NO wonder Yok and him are best friends. Both of them are party animals.

Pol and Arm helped get my luggage upstairs to my room and Chay settled well in his room.

This house was a villa, with around 6 bedrooms. So each of us got a bedroom and POL Arm shared a room. There was another room but I don't know who that was for.

The hall was big too and it had a huge TV, comfy sofas, bean bags, basically everything you need for binging Netflix. They had prepared lunch for us so we sat down to eat.

"So Phairoh, Yok told me you had a cupcake place?"

"Yeah, I have my own bakery."

"THAT'S SO COOL!!! YOu should totally make some stuff for us for the party, maybe if I like it, I will invest in your shop!" He was so excited.

"Sure... If I may ask, what do you do?"

"I am an investor. I worked in some firm as an investment banker but I quit because it sucks ass. I made a lot of money there and quit early. I started investing on my own and now I only do that. I can basically do whatever I want in my free time, unlike that boring ass job where I can't even wear whatever I want."

Makes sense why he's so loaded.

"By the way, kid, are you in school?" He asked Chay.

Chay almost choked on his food. He got this question way too frequently.

"I'm in the second year of college." "WAIT~ you're in the second year?" "Yeah Je,"

"Aren't you his sister, why are you confused?"

"Um... I -"

"Ahah, relax, happens sometimes. Which major?"

"I am majoring in music and minoring in physics."

"SMART! Both my younger siblings did law. But the youngest one, he is actually like a musician. He's studying now just to impress everyone." The house really has a lot of peculiar characters.

After finishing we all went back to our rooms.

Since I closed shop today, I was bored and just scrolled through Facebook.

I had not taken an off day in so long so I didn't know what to do.

Chay went for his afternoon class so I was basically done. Maybe I'll go to the bar? Hmm.

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