Special Chapter 3 - Kim Chay

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I went to the bar with Vegas and the man was so happy to see me. Weird, usually we would be depressed together. What happened?

"Why do you look so happy today?"

"I look happy? I don't know, I stayed over at Pete's house and that sorta lifted up my mood I guess."

"SO you guys are finally a thing? I don't even understand love and I knew you both had something going on."

"NO we're not, but enough about me. Let's talk about you. What happened?" (Its in flashback)

"Ok so... You know I don't like people in general, no matter who it is, I just can't seem to have romantic feelings for them."


"Well recently, I have been feeling kinda weirdly happy like you are right now and it feels like I am alive again."

"Maybe it's a late sexual awakening you know. Look over there, that guy seems hot. Or on your right that girl. what do you think?"

"Vegas... It's not like that. I don't feel anything looking at him. I don't know. There's this junior I met in a bookstore, and for some reason only when I see him, there's this weird energy."

"OK... Is he just a junior? Maybe you've seen him before?"

"Yeah. He was a junior in school too." I knew it was Porchay who put up the sticky notes for me.

I knew he made it a point to come to every concert and leave gifts for me in my locker. I knew it was him. But at that time, he was small and cute. Most importantly, I didn't feel attracted to him then. I just felt happy. Now... He's grown up and it feels different!

"He used to like me back in school. But he is like 4 years younger than me."
"Ok, Pete is four years older and I don't see anything wrong with us."

"Oh my god! STOP THINKING SO MUCH! Just go for it! Please just date him. You have so much game, probably more than me, you can't be single for this long!"
"As if you went for it!"
"Shush... in college, I had like millions of relationships ok? Just try hanging out with him, and see where it goes. By the way, you may be a demisexual. GO look it up."

Vegas dropped me off at my house and I immediately dashed to my computer to look it up. Huh, that's interesting. I stayed up the whole night trying to understand what the hell that meant.

A couple of days later

Music club meeting-

All these kids are either below average or are not interested in music at all. if they didn't like it why are they here? "Kim, is your band ready?" the event manager, Phloi asked me.

"Yup, how are the kids doing?"

"All of them have been assigned mentors now, luckily you don't have any kid to mentor so you can focus on training."

"Thanks, I really don't have time."

I glanced at Porchay who was currently staring at me. He panicked and looked at Macao instead. "Who is training those two?"

"Tawan is mentoring the smaller one, P- something. And, Macao wants to do event management and DJing so I am mentoring him." Hearing that name made my blood boil. Tawan! UGH! He was the worst.

He tries to copy me most of the time. He is even wearing a brown leather jacket to match mine, the chains are probably from the same store too. He walked past us and showed me the finger when Phloi wasn't looking.

"Really? Tawan? That poor kid is going to cry!"

"Tawan really needs this because it helps with his credits. He needs some community service so it's non-negotiable." Watching Tawan talk to Porchay is infuriating.

Porchay POV

I kept trying to see what Kim was saying to Phloi but someone blocked my vision. "Porchay?" He asked. I stood up and bowed, "Hello, are you P'Tawan?"
"Yes, sit down, let's get to know each other." He said and sat at the table. Macao bailed on me and went to other tables.

Tawan is a very handsome man like he isn't my type but he looks quite attractive. I want to look like him. As we spoke I realized we had nothing in common. He liked sports like football, and basketball, I liked mixed martial arts. He liked rock and metal, I liked classical pieces. I don't know how we're going to do this.

"So Porchay, what kind of music instruments do you play?"

"I can play the guitar, ukelele, flute, and piano but that's about it. What about you?"

"I can play the piano, bass, and drums. I prefer piano though."

Phloi gathered all of us to the center and announced, "That's all the time we have today, please exchange contact information with your mentors and your first event will be on the day of the music festival. Each member has a role, if you want to perform, please inform me, and if you want to work backstage inform Macao.

Also please give your support to Kim, he is releasing his new song soon!"

Everyone applauded and whistled for him. I am so proud, this is probably the biggest highlight of his life! But for some reason, he looked pissed. He actually looked pissed since he saw Tawan. But I guess that's just his personality?

"Porchay here is my phone number and I've sent you a request on Instagram. Let's meet up soon. The festival is in two weeks so we can work on a small song for it!" He tried to fist bump me but I assumed he was going for a handshake so both of us just nodded and left home.

I didn't have a shift at the bookstore today so Venice was at home. P'Tankhun took him and started teaching him math all of a sudden.

"NO, 3 times 7 is 20, you stupid child."

"Uncle, isn't it 21?"

"YOU GOT ME! Smart baby!!" 

I was going through Tawan's Instagram feed to find out what he's like. "Oooh, he's hot. Do you like him? Is that why you're stalking him?" Tankhun pestered me.

"No, he's my music mentor. I want to know what he's like."

"GIVE ME THE PHONE I CAN JUDGE PEOPLE! Venice! YOU should also learn from me." If tankhun can do anything, it is judging the fuck out of everyone.

"Hmm... Introvert, likes drinking, is into music, bass player? Hmmm... I can't find any girl in this, football? Red FLAG" He went on like that for a while.

2 hours later (Spongebob voice)

"ARE YOU DONE?" I screamed, the man yapped on for years. "In conclusion, he is hot, but I wouldn't trust him one bit."

"OK!" I took back my phone and saw I had 15 texts from Macao.


Macao:BRO! You up?


Me: Where? 

Macao: P'Phloi invited me to a party, you should come along. I think she likes me.

Me: If she likes you, date her! Why do you want me to come?

Macao: Be my wingman. Naaaa. Naaaaa

Me: Saying that on text sounds like some NCT song. I'll come don't bug me.

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