Nekozawa X Reader

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Nekozawa X Reader

Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles

A/N: Hiya everyone!!! It has been quite some time since I've updated. Sorry about that by the way BUT! I am back here today with another Ouran High School Host Club X Reader for you guys. Many of you guys have requested this character so finally here he is! enjoy.

Tears. The salty drops that fell from my [e/c] eyes. My hair flowing behind me as I dashed to...well my destination didn't really matter at this point. I just needed to get away. Crash! thunder roared as lightning lit up the night sky. my shoes splashed in the forming puddles from the rain fall.
I came crashing down into the mud, as I misplaced my footing. There I laid trying to contemplate about my reasons to just continue lying there in the mud. My body began to shake as my core temperature lowered from the cold. lifting my head as the lightning flashed in the sky. there, off in the distance stood a dark church. lifting my body back up with my arms I slowly limped to the church, limping as each step I took a pain shot through my ankle.
The build had a very gothic architecture, its walls being made of grey stone. The door appear to be made of oak. I went to grasp the metal door handle when the door opened towards me a head poked out from the crack. "Hello my dear. Would you like to come inside?" lightning flashed once more as the thunder roared. the flash of light illuminating his face to show his gloomy grey eyes and silky black hair. When the flash was over I hesitantly went inside as he opened the door more moving aside. Inside the church it's only light being the large fireplace in the corner. Limping over as quick as I possibly could I sat myself down in front of it. moaning out as the heat from the flames warmed my chilled skin. "what is your name young lady?" I heard from behind me as I felt a quilt being draped around my shoulders.
"My name is [y/n]." I turned to look at him but jumped when i say he face was in kissing distance of my own. as we locked eyes my stomach grumbled loudly.
"You must be hungry [y/n]. I'll be back in a moment." the man stated before rising to his feet and leaving, going through a door. I continued to sit in front of the flame. the feeling coming back to my fingers and toes as they warmed up. My hair continued to drip as I watched the flames of the fire dance, the wood crackling. My eyes had stopped leaking tears as I wiped the dried mud from my face. Hearing the door creak open, the cloaked man appeared before kneeling down beside me, presenting a turkey sandwich. "here, it's turkey." he spoke softly as I took the sandwich from him taking a small nibble of a bite.
"thank you." I stated before stuffing my mouth with the tasty food nodding my head to him.
"Are you staying anywhere my dear?" he asked as he sat down on the floor beside me. shaking my head I continued eating. swallowing before I spoke I asked.
"What is your name sir?"
"people call me Nekozawa." he said as she smirked. his smirking being kind of creepy but yet...cute at the same time.

For the next three months I stayed with Nekozawa. I learned his about his blonde hair and his severe allergy to the sun. After the second month of me living with the man, whenever he would walk by and give me a simple creepy smile that he does. I would of course smile back but my heart would race suddenly. It was once again a stormy night as Nekozawa and I were standing in his kitchen, me sitting on the counter watching him cook.
"You're quite beautiful [y/n]." he said as I could feel his gaze as I read a book. "I'm quite lucky to have a girl as yourself here with me." he spoke as I heard him move over to me. putting away from my book I looked up as he stood in front of me looking up sighting to look me in the eyes as I was still sitting on the counter. suddenly I felt a pair of warm hands moving my legs apart he moved closer to the counter getting in between them. a light pink blush appears on my cheeks as I look down more before feeling him gently tilt my head up a little before I felt a soft pair of lips upon my own. my eyes fluttered closed as I cupped his cheeks in my hands as I kissed him back. he was the one to pull back first as he whispered to me. "[y/n] will you be mine? stay with me here?" His voice was softly and sounded as though he was shaking. smirking softly at his question I pulled him back into a quick kiss before splitting once more. looking into his eyes with a loving gaze I utter one word.


A/N: Hiya everyone! so whatcha think?~ Sorry it took me so long to post it BUT here it is. thank you guys for reading until next time bye!~

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