Mori x Reader

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Mori x reader

I Will Follow You into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie

A/N: Hi everyone so I thought I should actual go along with my user name and go with something a little more sad, well only just a little bit this is a one shot. Anyway enjoy. Also P.S. sorry for the wait.

I was sitting down on a bench. My sleeves pulled down to the palm of my hands. It was pouring, the raindrops cooling my hot skin. I left so quickly I refused to believe what happened bringing the scene back up brought my heart to be as fragile as a china doll.

I walked into my boyfriend's house to hear moans of a female from his bedroom. Walking down his hallway, slowly approaching the door, I heard the creaking of a bed. His door was open to a crack I slowly placed my hand upon the wooden door and gave it a push making it open. There he was...naked and on top of another nude female. My breath catching in my throat as I gasped. I felt a massive ache in my chest. He stopped thrusting into the woman hearing my gasp. He turned his gaze in my direction. His eyes glaring fiercely as he got off the girl, puts on a pair of boxers that lay on the floor and grabbed me by the arm. His hand squeezing my bicep harshly as he forced me to walk from his bedroom to the front door.

"I'm banging her because I don't want you anymore. Your useless to me now." He stated as he threw me out of his house slamming the door shut as I stumbled out into the rain.

Now I'm sitting here in some random park in the rain, still. My makeup running down my cheeks. My [h/c] hair soaked and sticking to my drenched skin. My hands lying on my lap as I just started to feel more and more hollow on the inside.

"Miss, women as beautiful as yourself shouldn't sit in the rain." I heard some say before I stopped feeling the rain drops on me. Looking up I see a blonde man with lovely purple eyes. Behind him was a small child with blonde hair carrying a pastel pink bunny plushy. Lastly I see a tall slender yet buff man with short somewhat spikey black hair. "I'm Tamaki." The tall blonde said as he held out his hand to me while the other held an umbrella shielding us from the rain. Grabbing his hand slowly, I replied.

"I'm [y/n]." my voice being shaky.

"Pretty ladies shouldn't cry." Tamaki said as he pulled me to my feet.

"Hiya! My name is Mitsukuni but I go by Honey." Said the bunny holding child before he pointed to the man with black hair. "And his name is Takashi, but he goes by Mori. Nice to meet you [y/n]." Honey stated before smiling cutely. I nodded my head to them.

"So why are you crying princess?" Tamaki asked as he gently whipped away my running mascara.

"It's nothing but um, thank you for asking. But I got to go. Thank you though." I said quickly before I crossed my arms and walked away. The rain began to pour onto me as I left from under Tamaki's umbrella.

"Wait ma'am please let Mori walk you home at least." I heard Tamaki yell at me. Stopping in my tracks I turned around looking back at the males.


The tall black hair man walked over to me on hand holding the umbrella, the other being in the front pocket of his pants.

"Ready?" he asked, his voice being so deep and smooth. He moved the umbrella over both of us. Nodding as we began to walk, me leading the way. My eyes began to water once more as the silence between us let my mind wonder to my just previous boyfriend. Sniffing as my tears began to roll down my cheeks. Suddenly, I felt a big masculine hand on my shoulder causing me to flick and stop walking. I turned to look at Mori as that same hand gently whipped away my tears. His hand may have been gentle but his face was blank and stoic.

"Thank you Mori." I stated as he continued to wipe away the rest of my tears.


We stood outside of my apartment complex, the rain had begun to stop upon arrival. Pivoting on my foot to face Mori, I looking him in the eyes.

"Thank you for walking me home." I said wringing out my hair. "Would you like to come inside?" I asked. He nodded as we walked up the staircase to my apartment.

Mori was sitting in my living room as I was in my kitchen making some instant coffee. My hair wrapped in a towel as I brought the fresh warm coffee into the living room. Setting the beverages on the table I sat down next to him. Taking my cup feeling the heat, began to warm up my hands. I peered down into the cup feeling a gaze.

Looking up, my eyes met Mori's. He slowly reached out an takes my hand in his.

"[Y/n]." Mori stated in that deep voice of his. "I can make it better." Hearing his words felt like a kiss on a wound from a mother when you got a boo boo. My eyes began to water as I place my drink down on the table. Mori rose to his feet, moved around the table, sat down beside me before gently pulling me close to his chest. "I'll make it better [y/n]." he spoke so kindly into my ear as he held me in his toned manly arms. The heat from his body felt amazing on my cold skin. My eyelids began to feel heavy from the sudden change of temperature. "Sleep well [y/n], I'll stay." Those were the last thing I heard from Mori that night.

-Three week later-

Mori and I were taking a stroll in the park that just  weeks ago I had met the tall black haired fellow. In those weeks my ex-boyfriend came and of course there was tears shed, but Mori was beside me the entire time.

"So Mori, why did we come here?" I asked tilting my head to the side curiously.

"I wanted to say something to you." He stated before we sat upon a bench. I nodded for him to continue. "[y/n], let me make it better. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as he tilted to the side towards me. His words shocked me but deep down I was smiling. Suddenly he look disappoint and turned his head away from me. Knowing that he must be thinking that I would say no, I turned his head back towards me and captured his lips with my own. With this one kiss he knew that what he thought my answer was a 'no' but in reality it was a 'yes.'

- Fin -

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