Kyoya X Reader

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[ Kyoya X Reader ]
A/N: Can't buy me love by the Beatles is the story i choose for this fanfiction. Enjoy :)

"You can't buy love Kyoya." I argued. Kyoya gave out a small chuckle as he adjusted his glasses that had slide down his nose bridge.

"Oh [y/n], you can buy anything with enough money." Kyoya states as he opened his folder and began to write things down.

"Then your heart must be black!" I yelled as I stormed out of the host club.

Now I wasn't a customer for the host club, I was just friends with them. I was according to the Americans I was a sophomore in high school. How I became friends with the hosts' members was I have met Tamaki in Elementary school which means I ended up in the same class with him in middle school.

I stomped down the clear hallway the heels to my inch wedges clicking on the marble tiles. While I paced down the hallway I focused on my shoes not looking ahead. My body all of a sudden slammed into a warm body. I mumbled an apologize and continued on my way. Suddenly my upper arm was grabbed and I stopped.

"[y/n] what's wrong?" Karou asked. It was the twins, my furrowed brows loosened and I quickly lost all anger I had.

"Oh, hey Karou... Kyoya and I got into another feud." I stated as I felt Karou let go of my arm.

"What was it about this time [y/n]?" Hikaru asked as he put his left hand on his hip casually. I gave out a slight sigh. Kyoya and I were known for our small word brawls.

"Promise you won't judge?" I asked sheepishly. They looked at each other then glanced back at me and gave a nod. "We were arguing about money and then it ended up with us yelling at each other about how you can't buy love." I spoke, starting to get all fired up again.

"I thought you could but anything with money?" the twins asked in unison.

I continued down the hall as I left the twins wallowing in some pain from me punching them both in the shoulder. Stupid rich people, the only thing that you could buy that was even close to the word love is a gold-digger. My shoes clicked as I continued to walk down the halls my mind beginning to fill with thoughts of my argument with Kyoya. The furrowed brows, the harsh words, it was causing a sickly fell in my stomach. Even though I argued with him over time I knew that he will always be friends with me even though deep down I denied how I though how great he was at managing money, how when he would glance over at you in that seductive way. I shook my head hoping I shook the thought out.

The classroom bustled with talkative teenagers to my right sat Tamaki and next to him sat Kyoya. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Tamaki looking from you to Kyoya.

"Mommy, what's wrong with [y/n]?" Tamaki questioned as he looked back at Kyoya.

"We had a disagreement yesterday and she must still be angry with me about it." Kyoya said calmly as he worked on his homework in class.

"How could I not be angry with you about that!" I snapped. "That was horrible and untrue Kyoya!" I continued. Standing up I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the now quiet classroom, storming out like I did yesterday, only this time I heard footsteps behind me. I was pulled to a halt and was dragged by the person into a broom closet. Looking I saw the one person who I didn't want to see right now, Kyoya.

"[y/n], listen. You can buy love, but to buy your love, I can't even buy it because it is priceless." And with that his hands cupped my cheeks as he pulled my face to his. His lips gently pressed to mine in a kiss. My eyes widened as our lips came into contact with each other .my eyes slowly fluttered shut as my hands went to his shoulders as I began to kiss back. During this my cheeks had turned multiple shades of pink, it being the darkest now as we shared this kiss. One of his hands stayed on my cheek as his other moved around to my back and he arched my back pressing my chest to his. My hands moved up into his hair as I moved back splitting from the kiss.

"[y/n] I need to head back to the club, but how about you and I go . . . on a date later on tonight?" Kyoya asked a he moved both arms around my waist.

"I would love that." I said with a smirk as I admired his grey orbs. He let go of my waist as I let go of his hair and pecked me on the lips before he left the broom closet. As soon as the door shut I squealed in excitement.


I fixed my blouse; I adjusted my [h/c] hair as I heard a knock on my front door. I grabbed my small handbag and opened the door to see . . . a butler?

"Miss [y/n], please follow me to the car." The butler spoke as he moved aside.

"Um. Okay." I said as I shut the door and them I walked down the driveway to the black car. As we got the car the back door opened and Kyoya emerged from it. A smirk appeared on his face as he moved out of the way for you.

"Princess, your carriage." He said. My cheeks flushed a light pink as I flashed a smile while I climbed into the black motor vehicle.


He and I walked down a pebble walk way at his house. He had taken us to a nice restaurant in town and now, here we are walking down a pebble pathway with twinkling lights about us looking like stars.

"I had fun tonight Kyoya." I said my hands clasped together behind my back. I looked over at him and caught him staring. "Is there something on my face?" I asked somewhat worried.

"Yes actually, this." Kyoya brought his hands to my face, his thumbs resting on my cheeks as he began to lean in. quickly I brought my hands up to his chest and stopped him.

"Kyoya wait. I don't want to be another host customer. Do you really mean all of this, what you said in the closet earlier today, about this kiss?" I questioned as I looked down. My eyes became glassy right as I felt a pair of soft lips on my own. Kyoya split from the kiss first.

"[Y/n] you will never be a customer. You are my one and only princess. I mean everything I do that involves you." Kyoya whispered in my ear. After that before I could say anymore his lips were on mine in a gentle sweet kiss. My arms moved up and around his neck as we shared this sweet kiss. Just like our other kisses it didn't last long as Kyoya pulled back. [y/n] be mine?" Kyoya asked as he looked into my eyes with passion.

"Yes." It was all I could say. I didn't know where this relationship would go or how many fan girls I would have to fight off but none the less I know it is going to last a long, long time.


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