Mori x reader #2

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Mori x Reader #2

Lose It by Oh Wonder

A/N: Good day everyone! I'm sorry that I am not finished with part two of my Tamaki x Reader x Kyoya but here is another Mori x Reader to hold you guys down until I finish part two. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy it. now enjoy!~

    The rain continued to dribble down the car window as we drove down the road. My [h/c] wet from my rush to the car. As we drove, the storm continued outside the car. Fiddling with the hem of my sleeves I tried to suppress the butterflies. Looking over to the empty seat beside me, my mask sat. The mask was simple, just a solid [f/c] mask matching my [f/c] ball gown.
    My hair was dry by the time we pulled up to the manor. My stomach began to twist and turn as my parents laughed gleefully.
    "Now [y/n] cheer up you should be excited you get to me your future husband, princess!" my mother smiled cheerfully as she grasped my hand. Looking up with a smile I put on the normal mask I give them. Ironic thing about me wearing a mask, I don't have to physically have on a mask to have one on.
    "yes ma'am." I respond before the car door opened, my parents exiting first before, then I followed. Walking into the large ballroom was...overwhelming.
    Not a single person was without a mask. As if the party had started (which it had). The instant we had walked into the door my parents parted ways leaving me alone on the crowd. Sighing, I walked over to the food covered table. My mouth did not even water at the sight. Sighing once more, I sat down in a nearby chair. I pulled my phone from my breasts, seeing my low battery.
    "Why did I not charge this!?" hanging my head as I tried to not act like I was having a horrid time. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking I see a small blonde child holding a light pink rabbit. Bowing to me, he smiled as his mask covered from the nose to his hairline.
    "Excuse me miss, can I have you hold my Asa-chan?" The child spoke gleefully. Nodding my head I was handed the bunny plushie before the small boy ran off. My fingers feeling the soft fabric from the plushie. Looking back over, I see as tall tuxedo male approaching the table. Seeming uninterested, he glanced over in my direction. Nodding his head to me, and strolled over. He held out his hand to me.
    "Would you like to dance?" A gentle smirk graced his face as his deep voice spoke smoothly. At a lack of words I gently placed the stuffed animal on the chair beside me, before and took his hand, and rose to my feet. Swiftly, He pulled me to the dance floor and placed my hand on his shoulder before placing his own hand on my waist. He pulled my frame to his and began to lead our bodies to the beat. Nervously, I looked down at our feet, worried that I would step on his toes due to my inexperience to ballroom dancing. Suddenly I feel him lift my chin up to be able to gaze into each other's eyes.
    "It's okay." He smirked once more as I nodded. Focusing on his face we continued to spin with the music. My world seemed to just focus in on just us. In my mind it wasn't a crowded ballroom it was just flowing together to the music.
    "What's your name?" I asked softly.
    "Takashi." His name echoed in my ears as I slowly rose to my tippy toes, and gently placed a kiss upon his lips as the music slowly came to a stop. That moment our lips touched, I felt his large hands cup my cheeks as he kissed back. Suddenly I was pulled back by my mother in a huff. As I was being dragged out of the room I watched the male remove his mask revealing his face which was graced with an enchanting smirk.
    "What the hell do you think you're doing young lady?!" My mother yelled as she pushed me into the car. On the ride home I continued to listen to my parents bickering.

As I bathed, I found a small folded piece of paper in my hair. I removed it and unfolded it to read a set of digits. I called the number...ring...ring...ring. click.
    "So you did find it." the voice sounded familiar and I felt a cheesy grin grace my face.
    "You're quite clever Takashi." I chuckled softly.
    "I want to see you, what's your name?" His voice sent chills of excitement down my back.
    "[y/n]." I said.
    "What a beautiful name. Where do you live [y/n]?" He asked. I could hear the sound of jingling keys. Speaking my address, I walked over to my balcony and leaned onto the railing.


    As I was waiting I heard my name being called from below.
    "[y/n], can I come up?" Takashi asks. Nodding, I watched as he climbed with ease up the metal bars of our rose wall. As he reached my balcony he climbed over the railing holding out a blue rose. "For you."
    Gently grasping the rose, I smiled softly as inhaled it's scent. Looking back up at his face, I pulled him into a warm embrace. His own body was warm compared to the chilly night air.
    "Thank you, Takashi it's beautiful." a smile graced my face once more before I felt him pull me into another kiss. As we continued our liplock I felt a chill run down my spine as as breeze rolled by. Splitting from our kiss, I grasped his hand before pulling him inside my room.
    "I have to leave but... I want to see you more." Takashi spoke kindly as he gently squeezed my hand.
    "You have my number...are we a thing?" I asked cautiously. He pulled me to a stop. Quickly once more he pulls me to his chest, and gently caressed my hair. smirking softly.
    "yeah." Takashi let go of me once more as he pecked me on the lips once more before going back out onto my balcony and climbed over the railing, leaving my heart racing.

    - Fin -
A/N: I hope yall enjoyed another Mori x Reader. I will try my best to get the part two of Tamaki x Reader x Kyoya out soon BUT sadly for everyone who actually reads my other stories I have to do one of my naruto one shots since I still have posted a story for it yet. Anyway thanks for tuning in for my new story. until next time. Bye!

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