Tamaki X Reader

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[Tamaki x Reader]

Beautiful soul by Jesse McCartney

I stood outside the doors to music room #3. I hear the sound of voices inside and a couple giggles from the women inside. I have never been to the host club yet, me still being a freshman. Some of my classmates are hosts and asked me to stop by and have a look around.

Taking a deep breath, slowly I grabbed the handle to the door and turned the knob pushing forward as I hear door click. The brightness of the room blinded me for a moment before I slipped inside shutting the door behind me. Looking around I see many girls and only seven males. Out of those seven males three of them are familiar faces. I see Hikaru and Karou, along with Haruhi. Then while I was looking around I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head I see this... angel of a man.

"Hello princess, welcome to the host club." He said so smoothly as he handed me a red rose. My hand gently took the thorn less rose from him as he gave me a gorgeous smirk. My heart fluttered inside of my chest as he looked at me dreamily.

"Hey Tamaki back off [y/n]!" I heard the twins yell as I snapped out of my daze and looked over at them.

"Why, I was just showing this princess some affection." The blonde before me stated. He looked at me once more and smirked. "My name is Tamaki princess." Tamaki stated as he grabbed my hand bringing it to his lips pecking the top of my hand like a gentleman. My cheeks heated up as he did that.

Tamaki walked off afterward and I left the music room. Girls began leaving the room and I guess that all the girls had left the room when the twins came out looking for me.

"Hey [y/n] come on in." the twins suggested. I nodded and walked in to see Haruhi collecting all the cups and gave a small smirk.

"let us introduce you to everyone [y/n]" Karou suggested.

"the tall one with the short black hair is Mori. The small blonde one holding the rabbit is Honey, they are third years. The one with the black hair and glasses that's Kyoya and the tall blonde is Tamaki; you met him during hosting hours. That's all of us, you already know us and Haruhi." Hikaru said, Karou budding in from time to time. Kyoya and Tamaki began to walk over as Hikaru finished talking.

"Hello again princess." Tamaki stated seductively with a wink. My cheeks began to burn lightly as they became pink.

"Hi Tamaki." I try to say calmly along with hiding my blush...well trying.

"Are these shady twins troubling you darling?" Tamaki asks moving closer.

"No no they aren't troubling me, they are my friends." I say turning my head looking at the twins.

"That's good. It should be good for a new girl like you to make some friends." Tamaki said before he walked out of the room with Kyoya. My heart fluttered inside of my chest. What is going on inside of me? I felt wheezy every time we made eye contact with each other, his beautiful purple orbs staring deep into my soul.

"[y/n]'s got a crush on Tamaki~" I heard Hikaru tease. Karou chuckled

"What, no I don't, don't be silly." I said my blushing fading quickly.

"mhm, sure." The twins say in unison.

The final bell of the school day range as I grabbed my bag, said my goodbyes to the twins and to Haruhi before walking out of the classroom. On my way out, I bumped into a tall figure. Looking up I see the king of the Ouran hosts.

"Oh hello [y/n]." Tamaki stated with a smile.

"Hi." I say blushing lightly as it appears faintly on my cheeks.

"You seem like a cool person, can I have your number?" Tamaki asked politely as he pulled out his phone. Not being able to muster up any words I nodded and typed my digits in, saving it afterward. "I'll text you later." Tamaki said as he walked into the classroom and stated chatting with Haruhi and the twins as I left to go home.


I was lying on my bed reading "The Fault In Our Stars" from my home country, America. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate next to me. Grabbing it I looked at the screen seeing a text, opening it, it reads:

Tamaki: Hey: 3

Smiling I texted back.

Me: hi :)

Tamaki: what's up? : 3

Me: nothing much, just reading you?

Tamaki: Just bored at home.

Me: awe I'm sorry :(

Tamaki: it's okay I'm talking to a pretty lady ;)

Me: I'm not really pretty...

Tamaki: yes you are, let me prove it to you.

Me: how?

Tamaki: go on a date with me tomorrow night.

Me: I don't know...

Tamaki: please *puppy dog eyes*

Me: okay fine. Pick me up at 8pm?

Tamaki: okay :) hey got to go talk to you later.

Me: okay talk to you later.

As soon as I sent that last text, I felt a goofy smile appear on my face as hordes of butterflies fly around in my stomach.


I fixed my hair once last time before I heard my doorbell ring. Quickly I rushed downstairs and opened the door seeing my date holding a small bouquet of white lilies.

"These are for you." he said with a smile handing them to me.

"They're beautiful, I'm going to put them in a vase, please come in." I say with a smile, trying to keep my cool. He walks in shutting the door behind him as I walk off to put the flowers in a vase and bringing them up to my bedroom. Coming back downstairs I saw him waiting for me at the bottom of the steps.

"Sorry about the wait, let's go." I say smiling. He opened the front door as we walked out.


We had driven to a local garden and when we got there the sun had set and the picnic that was set out for us was lit by candle light. Tamaki took my hand and walked us to the purple blanket that laid on top of the green grass. Once we sat down he opened up a container of strawberries and offered one to me.

"Let me feed you princess." He said seductively. Blushing lightly I opened my mouth and he feed me the strawberry. "your hair looks gorgeous by candle light [y/n]." he said smirking.

"Thanks Tamaki." I said blushing more.


We had blown out the candles and we lied on our backs looking at the stars twinkling up in the sky.

"Tamaki, this was an amazing night." I say still looking up at the stars.

"It was but it's not over yet." He said propping himself up on his elbow.

"What do you mean?" I asked turning my head. He leaned down as our lips met in a sweet kiss. He pulled back as my face turned red with blush.

"[y/n], please be my one and only princess, be my girlfriend?" Tamaki asked as he smirked down at me. I was in shock; all I could do was nod. He leaned down and kissed me once more making this night perfect.

Ouran high school host club [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now