Tamaki x reader #2

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A/N: Hello everyone! Long time no see! It's been a hot minute since I wrote something along these lines. XD, to be honest, I had hoped you guys had forgotten about me so I would feel so bad about not posting for such a long period of time. Anyway, I wanted to come out with a simple one shot. I hope you guys like it and feel free to like and comment. Like normal with the rest of these fanfictions I always include a song that inspires me so feel free to listen along while you read. This fanfiction is also inspired by the movie dumplin. Enjoy!~

Jolene by Dolly Parton

Him... Why did it have to be him, of all people. Why did the one person I let into my heart has to be one of the biggest flirts in our school. Tamaki Suoh, which I would like to say was my boyfriend, but we'll get to that in a moment. Let's go back to

"Good afternoon princess!" I smirked before turning away from desk meeting a pair of royal purple orbs. Scrunching up the bridge of nose I felt his plush lips against the tip.

"Good afternoon Tamaki." I chuckled before standing up and collecting my things from my desk. Hearing snickering I turned towards the source of the noise.

"Good afternoon Tamaki." the twins saying in a mocking tone. Turning towards them I stick out my tongue before turning back towards Tamaki as he was grabbing my bag for me. Grasping my hand he leads us out of the classroom. The hallways had begun to fill with students getting ready to leave for the day. The soft murmur of chatting slowly escalating to a loud chatter as the hallways filled.

"So are you going to be coming to the host club today? We have a new concept for today." Tamaki asked as he continued to lead. Shrugging my shoulders

I used my free hand to reach into my bag retrieving my phone. Unlocking it I look at the photo before sighing.

"I would if I didn't have to work today. Maybe next time Tamaki." I sighed. I could feel his hand gently squeeze mine at my refusal. I could hear him sigh in disappointment.

"You know you don't have to work I could pay for your things, you know that right?" he stated for a matter of a fact. Nodding my head I gave his hand a little squeeze in acknowledgment.

"I know Tamaki, but you know how I am. I enjoy working." I comment, wanting to be gently despite the fact we have had this same conversation on multiple occasions. The thing was...I was avoiding the host club. It was nothing against Tamaki or the rest of the boys but... It was against Haruhi. I was apart of the very few individuals that knew her secret but she didn't know something about Tamaki...It was that I knew he was in love with her. Whether it was he was just with me now out of pity or for some other reason, I knew he wasn't in love with me anymore. Since I heard Tamaki talking about her in his sleep the few times he had spent the night at my house I knew from then on he wasn't mine anymore.

"Well alright, just know if you need anything [y/n]." Tamaki smiled before coming to a stop in front of music room #3. Leaning down he gave me a quick peck on the lips before letting go of my hand, giving me my bag and pushing open the doors. Waiting for the door to close I took a deep breath before searching through it attempting to find my keys.

"Are you looking for something?" I heard a familiar voice ask. Looking up I confirmed the voice. There stood the one person I was attempting to avoid.

"Oh no, I'm good Haruhi, thanks," I responded flatly. Finally grasping my keys I move away from her and making a quick exit as my eyes began to water.


The more the days gone and the more I began to see Haruhi it began to make my stomach churn. I had to see her in class, I saw her at lunch and I saw her everywhere it felt like. Every time I would see her I would just hear Tamaki whispering her name in his sleep. Her name on his lips, her on his mind. He means so much to me which is why I probably stay so long. Which leads me to standing here outside of the hosts club door. The club meeting had already begun but yet here I stood...standing outside the door. Taking a deep breath I opened the door revealing the spacious room. Tables we spaced out over the entire room. And the murmur of chatter echoing inside the room. Gulping I take a step forward, taking each step slow as I made my way further into the room.

Ouran high school host club [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now