karou x reader

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[Karou X Reader]

Little Things by One Direction

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I stepped onto the scale, today is physical exams, and the thing I hate most about physical exams is being weighted. I don't really like my body size and I don't know nor do I want to know about how many pounds I am.

"Congratulation Miss [L/n] you ha-"I stopped the doctor mid-sentence.

"Please don't say anymore thank you." I said as I stepped off the scale and walked away, I made sure that I got weighted last so I could ship class and I can go home. I started walking towards the exit when I hear loud screams of feminine squeals. Looking over I see Hikaru and Karou... shirtless. Now I see why the girls squealed, they were fangirling. Looking around more I see Haruhi. "Hey Haruhi." I said with a small smirk. Haruhi heard me call her name and looked over with a smile.

"Oh hey [y/n], do you see this?" Haruhi asked. I nodded and shrugged saying


"You know [y/n] showing some skin is popular for the ladies." I heard someone say. Looking to the sound of voice; seeing that it was Kyoya.

"Oh hey Kyoya." I say blankly not being very fond of Kyoya.

"Anyway [y/n] the host club is throwing party want to come; I can introduce you to the twins." Haruhi asked pleadingly. I'm not one for social events but since Haruhi was my only female friend (me being one of the few who know that she is a girl) I would go.

"Eh I guess." I responded crossing my arms.

"Okay cool." Haruhi said before she walked off to start her physical. As people were still walking in I slipped out with ease and snuck back home.


I was lying on my bed listening to the sound of 2cellos, with my eyes closed my phone buzzed. I grabbed it a flipped it open to see an unfamiliar number. It was a text and I opened the message to see:

I know you never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile.

"What the hell?" you thought as I shut my phone and put it down on my nightstand, and I lied back down on my bed. "What was that about?" I continued to think. Once again my phone buzzed. Leaning over once more I grabbed my phone. It was another message from the person, opening the message it saying

You are quite beautiful [y/n]

"How does this person know my name?!" I thought worriedly my phone buzzed again. The new message saying

Don't be scared, you know my face and my name [y/n]

That was the lasts of the texts from this night 'cause I turned off my phone. I got into my pajamas and crawled under the covers.


"[y/n], [y/n] wake up, class ended. " I heard in the distance, my eyes were closed. Suddenly my head slammed down onto the table. Quickly I snapped back into reality opening my eyes, my forehead hurting.

"What the hell?!" I yelled looking up to none other than the twins.

"Hey [y/n] want to come to the host club today?" Karou asked kindly. I shook my head, grabbed my bag and left the classroom. Suddenly Haruhi runs up to me.

"[Y/n]! hey." She yelled as she ran up and stopped in front of me.

"Hey Haruhi, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, hey can you do me a big favor?" she pleaded to me.

"Yeah what is it?" I questioned.

"I need you to come to this party tonight with me, pretty please." Haruhi begged. I wasn't really fond of parties like I said before.

"Fine." I said calmly. She gave me the party details and then ran off towards music room #3.


I was in my skinny jeans and a black tank top somehow I got dragged into a game of seven minutes in heaven. Except Tamaki decided to make it thirty minutes in heaven, like seven minutes with someone was bad enough.

"[y/n], your turn!" Range smiled as she walked over to me holding a tray of folded pieces of paper. Each paper had a number from one through seven. Reaching out I grabbed number four. Opening the paper it read "KN". Handing the paper back to Range I walked myself into the assigned closet. I shut the door behind me I was engulfed by the darkness. The door opened as I turned around and saw him. Karou Hitachiin. The man I choose. Why did I have to choose him?! I have been having feelings for him for a while now and I choose him.

"Hello [y/n]." Karou spoke as the door shut behind him.

"Um, hi." I said. I don't want to sound stupid in front of my crush!

"How are you?" he asked sweetly as he felt around in the dark for me.

"I'm g-good." I stuttered out. How he turned me into this stuttering mess I have no idea.

"[y/n]?" he called out softly as I felt a hand grasp my own. "[y/n], I'm the one who sent you those texts, I have feelings for you, you make me blush and you're perfect in my eyes." He whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist and he leaned in. I felt warm soft lips upon my own. I was shocked. Karou, was the creeper who texted me? Coming back into reality I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to kissing back.

We didn't go any farther then kissing when we pulled apart for air he leaned his forehead against mine.

"[Y/n] I want you to be my girlfriend." Karou asked sweetly.

"Karou, I would love to." I said with a smile. He grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. My cheeks were pink from blush as were his. Suddenly Range whipped open the door blinding Karou and I with light.

"Awe the new couple." She said with awe.


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