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The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Dorea her longest-ever punishment. By the time she was allowed out of her room again, the summer holidays had started. Dorea was glad school was over, but there was no escaping Dudley's gang, who visited the house every single day. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon were all big and stupid, but as Dudley was the biggest and stupidest of the lot, he was the leader. Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon were happy to join Piers to impress Dorea. That 4 stupid has crush on her .

Dudley's gang irritated her so much , and unfortunately they forget Dorea has nasty temper. In her temper Dorea put fire on their pants. And for this uncle Vernon again lock her in room for 1 day

When September came she would be going off to secondary school and, for the first time in her life, she wouldn't be with Dudley. Dudley had been accepted at Uncle Vernon's old private school, Smeltings. Piers Polkiss was going there too. Dorea ,on the other hand, was going to a izzia high , the best girls high school of the city.

One day in July, Aunt Petunia took Dorea and Dudley to London to buy school supplies. Thankfully her aunt was busy to buy Dudley's things so she could buy her dress on her choice and after everything done she bought some make up product and perfumes .

That evening, Dudley paraded around the living room for the family in his brand-new uniform. As he looked at Dudley in his new knickerbockers, Uncle Vernon said gruffly that it was the proudest moment of his life. Aunt Petunia burst into tears and said she couldn't believe it was her Ickle Dudleykins, he looked so handsome and grown-up. Dorea didn't trust herself to speak. She thought two
of her ribs might already have cracked from trying not to laugh.

They heard the click of the mail slot and flop of letters on the doormat. Dorea went get mails .Three things lay
on the doormat: a postcard from Uncle Vernon's sister Marge, who was
vacationing on the Isle of Wight, a brown envelope that looked like a bill, and
- a letter for dorea

Dorea picked it up and stared at it, her heart twanging like a giant elastic
band. No one, ever, in her whole life, had written to her. Who would? She had no friends, no other relatives - and this letter aren't from bank . In her whole life she only gets envelope from bank which always fullfil with money.

Miss. D. Potter
The smallest bedroom
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

The envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment, and the
address was written in emerald-green ink. There was no stamp.

Turning the envelope over, her hand trembling, dorea saw a purple wax
seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter H.

"Hurry up, girl!" shouted Uncle Vernon from the kitchen. "What are you doing, checking for letter bombs?" He chuckled at his own joke.

Dorea went back to the kitchen, still staring at her letter. She handed Uncle
Vernon the bill and the postcard, sat down, and slowly began to open the
yellow envelope. Uncle Vernon ripped open the bill, snorted in disgust, and flipped over the postcard.

"Marge's ill," he informed Aunt Petunia. "Ate a funny whelk . . ."

"Dad!" said Dudley suddenly. "Dad, dorea's got something!"

Dorea was on the point of unfolding her letter, which was written on the
same heavy parchment as the envelope, when it was jerked sharply out of her hand by Uncle Vernon.

"That's mine!" said dorea, trying to snatch it back.

"Who'd be writing to you?" sneered Uncle Vernon, shaking the letter open
with one hand and glancing at it. His face went from red to green faster than a set of traffic lights. And it didn't stop there. Within seconds it was the grayish white of old porridge.

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