ONE / "It All Started When..."

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*WARNING!* This story does contain curse words and swearing. It also might have some themes that are not suitable or comfortable for younger readers. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!


"SO..." I drawled. "They're not coming to get us, are they?"

"It's been twenty minutes. Why are you so impatient?" Lawmaker questioned me.

I shrugged and unbotheredly ran a hand over my straight-back cornrows. "I'm just saying. I mean, those jewels are burning a hole in the duffel bag." My hazel eyes were trained on the white tote bag Justice was holding. "Literally," I said once the smoke appeared and black crisps formed along the small hole in it.

Hearing the sizzling, Justice looked down with startled brown eyes behind his mask. "Ah!" he yelped and immediately dropped the bag to the floor. It fell with a loud clang and almost formed a hole in the wooden floor. Justice was only able to hold it because of his super strength.

"Justice! Pick that bag back up and stop being a wuss!" Lawmaker ordered. After all, she was our little group's leader.

Speaking of our group, where are those slackers? "Lawmaker, where're Quiksand and The Suit?" I asked.

Lawmaker groaned and rubbed her stressed temples with her fist. "The Suit should have already drained the power from here. And Quiksand could be anywhere with his shape-shifting abilities, the damn kid. Thank you, Cyber, I'll go check on that now." I smiled proudly at her and nodded, but then our mission leader turned to Justice. "Pick it up!"

Justice finally picked the sizzling bag back up as Lawmaker went around the corner and disappeared.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Justice with a grin. "Well, someone's on cap's bad side today, isn't he?"

I could see Justice's glare behind his dark blue mask. I crossed my purple and blue sleeves over my chest as I stared at him from behind my high-tech goggles. It was just too fun to watch Justice get all riled up.

"Bold of you to talk. The only reason you're even on this mission is because you're such a suck-up to Lawmaker."

I shrugged with my arms still crossed and with the same grin on my face. "Well, at least I'm not a wuss."

Justice shook his head angrily, a dark curl bobbing on his brown forehead. "Oh, that's it!"

"You wanna go?" I seethed angrily, my gloves lighting up as holographic computer chips emitted from my palms.

"Hey! Justice, save it for Order. And you know better, Cyber, so save it for Law."

I immediately powered down my gloves and relaxed my fight stance hearing her voice. I stood straight and swallowed hearing my best friend, The Suit's voice. She was now standing in between us and looking from Justice to me.

"Alright?" she asked in exasperation.

I hesitated before nodding. "Sorry, Suit."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Finally, she touched the side of her metallic collar and a metal helmet enveloped her face, hiding her features. Her tired voice and annoyed stance conveyed all the emotion it needed to, though. "Where's Lawmaker?" she asked, her voice slightly robotic thanks to the helmet.

"She went to go find you and Quiksand," Justice answered.

"You don't think she'll need help? He's a 13-year-old irresponsible shapeshifter."

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