TWELVE / "Puck, Stick... Pucker Up"

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U alr kno 😎
Enjoy :)


THE light groan escaped my mouth as his hands moved further up my shirt. Yeah, we were doing this.

"Ren-" Jenson tried, but I cut him off by putting my lips on his again.

"Shh," I said into the kiss. I didn't need anything breaking this up. It's not like we had lots of time.

I don't know when he did it but I was somehow on the kitchen counter now.

I blindly felt around for something to stabilize on. My fingers found the sink and soon running water was drowning out our kisses.

Oh hell no. Celia makes me pay for that water.

I quickly turned it off and decided to grab Jenson's neck instead.

The kisses were getting faster and shorter, and soon my temper was too. I don't know why he was choosing to muss it up now.

I felt his full lips pull away and frowned in disapproval.

"Wait. Wait. Your husband. Doesn't he work from home?"

Oh yeah. The kid. The kid I let move his twin-sized bed into my room to go on the wall opposite mine. The kid who's been on my team for the last nine months. The kid whose role was my husband and Josie and Jaxon's dad. The kid who was thirteen going on forty.

Yeah. Like I cared.

"Where is he?" Jenson asked anyway. He either ignored or didn't notice the 'really, buster?' expression on my face.

I scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "That hasn't stopped you before," I said and then quickly reconnected our lips.

They moved together once more before Milton was pulling away. Again.

"Aight, but it'd be awkward if he just walked downstairs and saw this."

Yeah, but not for reasons Jenson's thinking of. Jepito would run out screaming and scratching his eyes out. That's why I was glad he wasn't here.

"He isn't here. He's picking up the kids from school."

And then I tried. I really tried to get back to the steam we had before Jenson's curiosity got the better of him. But then... his curiosity got the better of him.

"Wait, wait, wait," he repeated and grabbed my hands from around his neck. He held them up in his fingers and made way too much eye contact. "Did you expect me to feel better about screwing the wife of a devout husband and father?"

My eyebrows rose once more. I slipped my hands out of his and crossed my arms. "First of all, you're not screwing anybody." And there's really no second of all.

Jenson cocked his head. "Not yet."

I bit my lip and met him halfway in the kiss. Then I his hands pull me close until I was on the edge of the counter and he was holding me in place.

"Aren't they—" he tried, but I just pulled his head closer. "Sixteen and—" I pushed into him. "Seventeen," he huffed out finally.

"How'd you get to know so much about my life?" I asked, my brown eyes peering into his, tilting my head slightly.

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