THREE / "Friends... Friendly?"

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"NORMAL, non-movie character people don't actually do this, you realize that, right?" Jaxon asked. I was on his left and Renee was on his right. She was holding a cake in her hands and I'd just knocked on the new neighbors' front door.

Renee spoke out of the corner of her mouth, not bothering to look up at her 'son'. "Shh. Shut up. They're coming."

My eyes snapped up when the front door whipped open. I took a step back as the gush of air from inside hit me.

The person who opened it was an older blonde-haired woman with crazy eyes. "Oh. Hello! Neighbors!" she said, surprisingly in a British accent.

Immediately, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I frowned but let Renee take over this one.

"I made this cake for you all!" Renee said, which was a lie, because I was there when she bought it. "I was wondering if we could come in."

"Oh, um. It's a tad bit messy in here. We've been unpacking for quite a while. It seems there is simply no room-"

"Did I hear cake?" asked another voice.

Suddenly a boy, around Jepito's actual age was standing in the doorway. He was taller than his mother and had brown hair. He was wearing a beanie over his long hair and a sweatsuit with a hoodie.

Then he was reaching for the cake in Renee's hands, and she willingly passed it over to him.

"Well, then, thank you, um...?"

Our group leader caught on quickly. "Renee Junior. And these are my kids Josie and Jaxon."

I waved shyly inside the house, seeing a man sitting on the couch, likely the father, and a teenage boy around my age or Jaxon's.

"I'm Eva. This is Colby, and inside are my husband and son, Vic and Jake."

It was kind of hard to keep up with her accent, but I think I managed.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you all. We're new to the neighborhood too. Just got here about a month ago."

"A month ago, you say?" Eva asked. I could hear the suspicion in her voice, causing my frown to return.

"Yeah. We're basically newbies too, but we can help you out."

"That'd be nice if and when we have free time. But oh well. I have to get inside now. Thanks!"

The Colby kid had long since retreated inside with the cake. All I could do was raise an eyebrow at the blonde woman before she closed the doors in our faces.

"Celia was right. They really are strange."

I chuckled, and then the three of us were walking off of their porch. I looked back slightly to take a longer look at the weird family's house. That's when I saw it. Or her, at least.

There was a girl with wavy brown hair and bangs who was just watching me out of the top window. She quickly hid upon seeing I was staring right back at her. My frown grew three sizes in confusion.

~hours later~

I was scrolling on the computer, doing what our mission leader ordered Jaxon and I to do. I'm pretty sure he isn't researching anything like I am, but that wasn't surprising. I finally found out how to apply to a school, so I jogged downstairs to show Renee.

"Hey, Renee, there's a school here called Valley View High School — no surprise there, super creative—" I stopped in place when I saw Renee and Celia. Both of their expressions were intense, but Celia wore a look of concern as well.

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