SEVEN / "Window Shopping"

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"RENEEE," I called out from in front of her door. Gosh, I never knew Lawmaker was such a deep sleeper.

There was no sound. No rummaging, shifting, or alarm. What the hell?

"Renee!" I yelled again, this time putting my mouth at the crook of her door.

"Shut the hell up!"

I sucked in a deep breath at Jaxon's shouting. Just ignore him, Jos. Don't even give him the satisfaction he craves. I finally decided to just open up the woman's door.

Oh. That's why she didn't answer. She was nowhere to be found.

Since Jaxon decided to alert the whole house to his presence, I stomped over to his door. However, after messing with the doorknob I realized it was locked.

"Jaxon open the freaking door or I'll kill your lock with my cyber chips."

A moment passed before the doorknob twisted once. Then the door flew open. Of course, Jaxon was soundly in his bed with the covers over him. Like I said. He uses his telekineses for the most useless tasks.

"What the hell do you want?" he asked, his brown eyes looking up into mine.

"Where's Renee?"

"Try going outside and screaming. Maybe you find her there."

"Seriously, where is she?"

"At work. Where she goes every morning if you were ever here."

My eyes turned to slits. "I'm sorry if I like to get to school on time."

"Don't apologize to me for being a nerd, apologize to Cyber."

I sucked in a deeper breath. "Why is she working on a Sunday?"

"Do you ever talk to her? She got that new promotion. Uses her redirection powers to aim her bullets, and then the fact that she's a marksman, so. Whatever, leave me alone."

"Gladly," I said with a smile. "Bye."

"Leave," was the last thing I heard before I shut the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs but paused when I saw the fluffy mass on the couch. There were a bunch on blankets spread out on the cushions.

I slowly walked around the furniture and saw a mess of dark red hair that contrasted with her white blanket.

How was she still asleep after me and Jaxon's screaming match?

God, she sure is playing her part well. Since North is nineteen and someone her age should be in college, she's our cousin who is taking a break year before continuing her studies.

Sadly, it doesn't give North much to work with. She has no job, no friends outside the group yet, and practically no life. It's kind of super sad to see.

On top of everything she went through before she started working with the league of villains too...

I know we all did things to get to where we are today, but her life just took a turn for the worse. It was something she had no control over. She was just a kid. Younger than Jepito when it happened.

I shook my head. That's all in the past. This is our new life until further instructions from Onyx. We should act like it.

I bent down and shook the redhead. "North. Wake up."

The girl groaned before burying her face into the couch pillow.

I knew what would get her on her feet. "Seriously, wake up, we have a mission!"

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