THIRTEEN / "Kind of Like a Cavity"

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Shoutout to -whveler for putting me on to dv4d. Make him famous, he's hot, can sing, and puts out bangers.


"FUCKING hell, Josie. Quit following me," Jaxon fumed.

I was angry too! He should stop what he's doing at his stupid games.

I stomped up the stairs right behind him, following him down the hall to his room.

"No! We should talk about this. You need to stop using your powers at your games! I thought you said the first time was a fluke. That you lost control in the heat of the moment."

It was clearly a lie. I don't think his game the other week was the first time he's done it. I mean, I go to those stupid hockey games sparingly. I have to admit to their appeal. Knocking people around, seemingly random fights taking place that I only notice once I look up from my phone. It's not exactly on my to-do list to go off to his games. But both times I've gone, he's used his super strength and telekinesis.

"So I can't lose control more than once? It's an adrenaline rush."

"Jaxon, there's a difference between accidentally shoving someone a little too hard and blatantly tapping into your powers!"

"Oh, my Onyx. When did Lawmaker get home? I thought she went out with the policeman."

I squinted my eyes at Jaxon's sarcasm. "Can you take anything seriously for one second?"

"I'm not Justice right now, so I don't need to be some serious person when it comes to using my powers."

There was only one part I heard from that. "Will you shut up! Anybody could be at that door right now. And you're right; you aren't Justice right now. So there's no reason for you to be using your powers — and don't call it an accident because I know your dumbass better than that. I just want to know why you're putting this team at risk of exposure."

"There's no exposure," Jaxon laughed out. He shook his head and turned around to open his bedroom door. He stepped inside and closed the door, saying, "So calm down."

The nerve of him sometimes! How can anyone go by Onyx's orders if Jaxon's actions uproot us and force us out of Texas?

I stopped the door before it fully closed, risking the safety of my slender fingers, because I was about to drop some serious truth bomb.

"Jaxon, how do heroes get recruited? How do some villains become part of the League?" It's obvious he knew the answer by how he crossed his arms and looked away from my eyes.

"Just get out of my room, and close the door. Conversation's over."

"They get scouted when there are power surges. When things get on the internet, you know that. You know it's going to bring them here."

"Look, I know what I'm doing, alright?" Jaxon seethed. He was facing me now and inching forward. When he finally approached, I stared at him with hard eyes until his hand went to my fingers and easily pried them off his door.

"You broke the glass on the rink. Nobody is going to look at that and think nothing of it." I couldn't contain my anger. He was putting this entire team at risk for some high school glory. I can't believe he's this shallow and selfish. Is high school popularity that big of a deal for him?

"What do you want me to say, Josie? Do you want me to be just like you, or something? Having no friends? No sports teams, no clubs, just some average person? I'm not average, Josie, so I shouldn't pretend to be. And neither should you."

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