NINETEEN / "Crossed Wrists"

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I NEVER THOUGHT JOSIE would be a trendsetter. Or that Renee would genuinely be proud of her.

But here we are.

"Phone. Seriously. Josie was the only one smart enough to leave hers in the truck," North said in front of me.

"I mean, I can literally download the entirety of the world's data and indefinitely store it in my memories, but, you know..." Josie said cockily.

I turned away from North and stared her down. She only smirked and shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "I need it," I told North, because Onyx was still messaging the device.

"You really don't. And if you leave it in your back pocket, it'll be destroyed. Come on, Jax." North slowly blinked and looked at me with a shitload of patience. I could almost go on, annoying her further, but it's not like she's Josie or anything.

But I didn't budge. I just looked at her with the phone in my hand. There are very valid reasons to have it with me. What if we get to the car and Onyx calls at that exact time? Someone other than me might pick it up. Especially since I was sitting in the middle on the way here.

North's tone was in charge yet understanding when she spoke again, "What could you possibly need it for?"

"I'm in... the photography club at school. Scenery, landscapes, nature. It's the assignment this week." The lie slipped easily past my lips.

North rose her eyebrow and turned her head toward Josie. I hated that they were friends again or whatever. I stared the girl dead in her eyes and immediately mouthed, 'Amy' and nodded towards Renee. She seemed to get the point, because she inhaled sharply and then nodded.

Her hazel eyes looked back at North. "It's true. He's just so multi-talented, isn't he?" Josie said with a squint.

"I know that was sarcasm, but it's true, so thanks for the compliment," I said quickly.

"Oh, you are so full of yourself—" Josie was finally losing her cool.

"Enough! Are you guys really doing this again?" North yelled. "Keep the phone, take three pictures now, then give it to me."

"When does the fun stuff start?" Sandie asked. He was in his thirteen-year-old form, his actual age.

"Fun?" I asked with a laugh. I shoved his shoulder. "How long have you been a member of this team?"

"Come on, Jaxon. You wouldn't call this fun?" Renee asked. My eyes widened as I watched her take out a blaster gun from her back pocket and reload it. It was the kind reserved for superheroes.

And us during team bonding days.


"I suggest you all run or hide," Renee said stoically as she pointed the gun.

Thankfully we were all wearing our suits by now, so when I was too slow to duck behind the rock and the marksman shot me, it only hurt a lot, not damaged a lot.

"Ah," I winced, holding my upper right arm. I looked around to find Sandie behind a tree looking back at me. He nodded, I nodded, and he became me.

Damn. It's like looking into a sexy mirror. With olive skin. But only part of my face showed behind my mask anyway.

Sandie rolled out around the tree and Lawmaker's blast subsequently followed. However, Sandie was quick enough to shift into a one-foot tall child and crawled out of the way. At that moment, I stood from my rock and used my telekinesis to fling Renee into a tree.

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