SEVENTEEN / "...Is Bliss "

229 9 7

@crispiesx09 wanted to shout them out for the motivation!


I'M just gonna set the scene for you people, okay? Because I have other things to get to, and I can't focus if I have to spell out everything!

It was the afternoon. I just got out of school like an hour ago and clocked in thirty minutes ago. The store's blinds let in steaks of faded yellow light. The Round Up's gift shop was kind of small enough to catch anyone stealing, but not too small so that I couldn't walk or something.

There was a glassy statue of a cowboy hat, so I grabbed my rag and started polishing it.

But my phone went off, causing me to look up with a frown. I sighed while walking over to it. My face scrunched up when the blue light took over.

Recovering, I excitedly grabbed my phone. I threw the rag over my shoulder and walked into the break room, the stupid chimes over the door jingling.

Onyx was asking for confirmation of receiving the last messsge! Uh... uh...

Okay, I'm not going to reply. And maybe we'll just leave it at that.

I don't think I need Onyx's hints anymore. I think I've pieced this together already. And lately I've been thinking a certain villain is one of my friends from school.

I just don't know what to do about it.

I slipped my phone into one of my many cargo pants pockets before going back to the register.

There was a couple, or a brother and sister sibling pair. Or what other reason there could be for two people to be out together.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" I asked boredly. It was part of the job. I remember using Jake's idea of bringing it up in the interview. Apparently he knew what he was talking about. Which checks out. Since he got the job before me. "Or all you all set?" I asked as a follow up since neither had answered.

Still no answer.

Okay, boys and girls usually don't just ignore me like this. Not back at Villain League Base. (We have multiple names for our hideout. It kind of goes with staying discreet.)

It'll be fine, Jaxon. They're just looking for something together. It's okay to be ignored.

But fuck, it's not! This has always been my damn life. At least when it matters!

"Good luck with whatever you're trying to find!" I sneered toward the couple who had their back turned. With a helpless frown I headed back over to the hat statue and polished it up again.

"Hey, Jax," I heard.

I abruptly looked over my shoulder. Jake was standing in the doorway, his arms outstretched like he was Samson or something. He had this wild look in his eyes while his face was looking tired as fuck.

I frowned quickly. "Dude, I am working."

Jake also works here. He kind of helped get me this job. We were both wearing the employee shirt.

"I am too! I need help with the smoothie machine, it won't stop working!"

"Bro, what did you do?" I asked angrily. There's no way you can fuck up a juice dispenser. Even with my super strength— oh. A family of villains, eh?

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