ELEVEN / "Dr. Coloss- Er, Colossacon!"

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"SO? What do you think of your first Colossacon?" Jake said in his stupid Captain Valor costume.

"Isn't this your first Colossacon?" I shot back. "I think it's lame. I only came here to piss Josie off."

"Ok, I totally get little sisters annoying you, but don't you find it a little wasteful that your entire personality is hating her?"

"No. I also like hockey."

Then we kept walking around the venue. I was dressed up as Captain Valor too, but mine looked better.

I frowned and groaned upon seeing three familiar-shaped girls coming our way. One was dressed as Starling while another was Havoc — third hottest supervillain by the way — and the last one was a poor excuse for the villain Duffel.

Amy, Hartley, and Josie finally approached us.

"Well, don't you twinsies look cute?" Josie said with a wide smile. Her Duffel costume was literally just black face paint in the shape of a mask, a crop-top black hoodie, black and white checkered pants, and black vans. Duffel didn't wear black vans. He wore soundless black boots. And he was a master thief. Josie was an annoying girl who didn't know how to own any other kind of shoe.

"Cute's not the word I was looking for. Hartley, though," I said turning to my cheerful neighbor in a Havoc costume. "Feels like I'm seeing you for the first time."

The red-clad girl giggled, and it was all I could focus on for a moment until I basically felt Josie's eyes boring into mine.

I glanced at her look of disgust but tried to ignore her since her cute friend was still looking at me.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked, my eyes still only holding Hartley's gaze.

"Ignoring you. I thought it'd be fun to annoy you, but this is obviously something you enjoy, so I don't want to be here anymore" Josie said.

I actually, genuinely laughed at something Josie said for the first time. "Wow? Really? Because I'm having fun, you can't?"

"I can show everyone around," Hartley offered.

"Pretty and sweet. Girls like you are usually harder to find," I told Hartley with a grin.

"Oh, no. Oh god, no," Josie said, practically gagging. Flirting with Hartley was fun, but the real treat was making Josie this uncomfortable.

"I kind of want to see where this goes. Something has to distract me from the costume I'm wearing," Amy said in her Starling costume.

Amy was usually hot, but this costume was too bright for her personality. Maybe if she wore Havoc's costume.

"I thought you hated Starling. Why are you even wearing that?" Jake asked. Then he pulled out his phone. "Speaking of," he started before a flash was in Amy's face.

I laughed at the candid shot. My eyes squinted as they settled on Amy. "Ah, it's fine. You look nice in it."

"I don't care. Delete that, Jake. I don't even want your phone finding out I wore this thing."

I smirked now that one of Josie's friends was just as annoyed as I was today. Yeah, Josie was fuming. It's pretty clear how she feels about Amy, so if she was mad about that photo, Josie was as well.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I had to get that phone away from her right away. My eyes widened the second I saw the smirk appear on Josie's face and how her eyes twitched and twinkled.

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