TWENTY / "New iPhone Update Be Like"

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Treasure is found by those who never stop digging...
And now to not be so cryptic, enjoy the chapter!


"Was that her?" North asked, clearly too terrified to say Amy's name. Perhaps it'd summon the girl.

"Yeah. I asked her for another hour. With you," I answered softly, eyeing the redhead up and down.

I sat down across from her at the kitchen table and slumped into my chair. I quickly picked up my Uno cards before raising a dangerous eyebrow at North.

"You didn't fucking look at my cards?"

A twinge of a smile pulled at the corner of her mouth as her eyes narrowed. Slowly her head moved side-to-side, telling me no.

I didn't know if I believed her, so I kept the incredulous look on my face.

"Take my word for it," she said simply.

"You do know you're a super villain right?"

"I don't have any powers," she subsequently answered.

"You can store electricity in your veins."

"That's a side effect, Josie-Jos. Now," North picked at a card from her deck and laid down a black one. "Draw four."


"How's Domino's?" I asked with a scrunched expression. Hopefully North will protest the pizza place because I'm in the mood for donuts. Or just seven boxes of sugar. That'd be perfect.

"Sounds good."

Of course it does. She's a fiend for fruit juice-smeared bread, littered with old milk. Or what most normos like to call la pizza.

"Great," I clicked out.

I reached for my phone which was currently playing d4vd. Just my amazing karma for being a super villain, my phone was dead.

"Northie, let me use your phone."

Her eyes snapped up into mine and she immediately handed it over. There wasn't a password on her phone, so I just took it.

However, when I tried pressing the power button, it didn't budge.

"Dead, just like mine," I said with a forced smile.

North only shrugged. "Maybe it isn't meant to be."

But part of restoring our friendship was me going out of my way to do things for her that she liked. For example, getting up when I'm comfortable on the couch.

"No," I seethed. I pushed her legs off my lap and stood up. "There's a charger upstairs."

North snickered and shook her head. "Geez, okay."

Even if she didn't get it, I did. So I stalked over to the staircase and began ascending it.

That's when I heard the shower coming from the bathroom. Knowing Jepito and Renee were out doing grocery shopping or whatever, it was obviously Jaxon in the shower. It's a little late, but hey, something is better than nothing.

I opened the bathroom door, and since the shower was behind the corner, further back into the bathroom, I knew he couldn't see me when I reached for his phone on the bathroom sink. It was sitting next to a pile of folded clean clothes.

I held the power button. "Risi, call Domino's Pizza," I hush whispered into the phone, leaning into it while keeping my hand on the doorframe for support. My eyes glanced over at the bathroom corner every other moment as if to check on Jaxon's attention span.

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