T. SIX / "revelations"

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MY MIND IS racing. I guess that means I care right? If only that weren't the worst possible scenario right now.

The lights are on which means they're home.

I grunt out a sigh as my fingers continue drumming the steering wheel. The car's off, but thankfully Texas stays warm at night, so I'm not shivering because of the air. It's fear and anger and anxiety all rolled into one that has my nerves all over the place.

Law. My nemesis for the last four years. Coveted hero in the Young Realm. Thwarted me about fifty times, and the same person who stopped Order before he could kill me.

Our relationship has always been a little... multi dimensional. Do I trust her more than Order? Definitely. But that's not saying a lot when they both run around in capes, fighting the only thing I've ever known.

Another angry growl as I'm left thinking about what Law did. She left Jaxon and North with that super maniac Order. And if anyone straddles the line between hero and villain, it would be him, constantly dipping his foot into the water.

It would be respectable if I didn't hate his guts and that stupid fucking cape. We all wear masks, but clearly the cape is too much, right?

It sucks having to put their lives in Law's hands, but deep down I know that she's the best option for a... last resort. Her whole 'villain relief fund' is a little corny but at least she actually means what she says. Hartley is back on my radar now, and not telling us what the fundraiser was for is starting to piss me off, but nothing from this life means anything anymore. It can't.

I practically kick the car door open, and jump the short height out of the driver's seat. My eyes close just briefly to lock the door before I'm heading into the street. I glance both ways before picking up an admittedly needless jog to cross directly to Amy's house.

As I stare at the wooden door, a few things go through my head. The one I've been trying not to let bother me being: why did Amy stand me up?

I know we're both supervillains and being evil is kind of our thing, but ouch. Oh, for one second, I just need one second to...

Just one second.

Why did she do that? I thought there was something—

Like I'm not asking her to fall in love with me or anything. And if she really is Havoc then I can't believe I actually like her.

Fuck, how did I not see that before? Jaxon was actually right about me. It's so obvious. My name should've just been Aloof. It's not like Cyber's my real name either.

But of all villains, Havoc? I mean, her? This is not a story I can tell anyone ever. One day, I will have supervillain kids after they surgically remove my birth control, and I will never ever tell them that I once - almost - fell for Havoc.

Yeah, almost.

Okay, I should do something now.

How am I going to do this?

Threaten them all with my cyber chips? Cause a mass blackout then scare the shit out of them with the lights? Use my cyber shield as some blunt force weapon?

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