My darling Alexander, make one final promise to me: please take care of your family and this House.
I-I promise. I will. But please, don't leave–
You will be a great man one day, dearest boy, and don't let anyone stop you from becoming one.
Don't say that, please–
I will say hello to Sybil and Matthew for the three of you when I meet them.
Just know that I love you very, very much.
No, please...
Please don't leave me!!
Alexander Isidore Crawley bolted upright on his bed, shaking and breathing heavily as he tries to gather up his senses.
It started two weeks ago. The same horrifying nightmare of someone dying. He was stuck in the same dream, as if it was telling something to him.
He runs a hand through his hair, and slowed his breathing in order to calm himself down. Cleo, who was nearby and was startled at her owner, quickly jumps up to his bed and gently nudges herself to help calm him down.
"Thank you, Cleo" Alex whispered, holding her close and gently kisses the top of the dog's head.
The two cuddled close to each other for a short moment, before a loud knock on the door startled both of them once again.
"Come in!"
His bedroom door swings open, revealing Mrs. Hughes and her worried expression.
"Are you alright, milord?" the housekeeper asks "I heard your shout while walking down the gallery."
"Yes I am, Mrs. Hughes" he smiles a little "Sorry to have startled you."
"That is good know, milord" Mrs. Hughes replied "Shall I call in Andy for you as well to change?"
"Yes, please. And thank you."
The two smiled at one another before the housekeeper once again closes his door. He and Cleo and both got out of bed and went into his dressing room, where he saw his own reflection in his mirror.
"Why does this keep happening Cleo?" Alex asks his companion "Why is it always the same one? Does this mean something? Something...bad will happen?"
He looks at his puppy, who only titled her head in curiosity. Alex sighs softly, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Of course...why am I asking you? I am quite sure you always have happy dreams. And I envy you for that" he told her "And I, too, wish for this bloody nightmare to end soon enough."
Alex then arrived in the dining hall, where to his surprise, only saw Tom, Bertie, and Barrow.
"Where are my sisters?" he then asks his brothers-in-law
"They'll be down in a few minutes" Bertie replied "Edith actually went to Mary's room before I got down here."

Une Nouvelle Ère [Book 2]
Fanfiction• The second book of the 'Viscount Downton' series • Alex Crawley and his family now have a new adventure coming to them: they're heading to the South of France. Meanwhile, the other half of them will be staying at Downton as a film was to set in pl...