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"Earth to Alex Crawley? You still there?" Alex snapped back to reality, almost falling off the bench and startling his friends after their rugby practice.

"Wha-What happened? Are we done? Can we go home?" Alex inquired as he regains himself.

"Yeah, mate. But you look like you're blacking out." Richie told him.

The former rubs his eyes and stood up from the bench "Sorry, I was really busy today, and now I am quite tired."

"We all are, really. But you are the busiest out of the four of us." Vince then said "Hope you're not tiring yourself too much, though."

The young Viscount chuckles tiredly "Good God, you sounded like my mother when you said that."

"Then Lady Grantham and I are on the same page, then."

The four boys then shared a laugh as they all walked across the lamp-lit cobblestone paths of London.

"Tell you what, how about we have dinner before we all go back home?" he then asked "I mean, we haven't gone to Gibson's for quite a while."

"You sure, Alex?" Alfie countered "We only have a few quid with us."

Alex pats his friend's back "Don't worry. It's on me."


"Do you think The Fellowship will be alright? Eating out late in the night?"

Cora Crawley inquired to the rest of the family as they all had dinner back at Belgrave Square.

"I'm sure he is fine, darling." Robert assured her.

"Let me guess where they are," Mary guessed "Is it at Gibson's?"

Robert raises an eyebrow, and looks at her "You sound so sure about that. How do you know?"

"We've picked up Alex there on multiple occasions, Papa. The four of us here have been there, and it is a nice tavern."

"A tavern?" Cora said in surprise, "They have been eating in a tavern?"

"Don't worry, Mama. Gibson's had been more of a restaurant and a tea room than a pub these days." Edith said "It is a nice tavern with great service and inexpensive food as well, which is why many students eat there."

The Earl then looks over to his sister from across the table "Do you know about that, Ros?"

"Of course, I knew about that. What makes you think I don't?" Rosamund replied "And besides, I have already sent Mister Jenkins to call the other boys' chauffeurs for all them to pick up."

"You never fail to surprise me, dear sister."

"Oh brother, you should know by now that I have never been a disappointment more than you are."

Snickers of laughter were then heard across the table, which also made Cora smile a little. Robert on the other hand, was already counting the days on when they are all going to finally leave his sister's home.


"Are you sure your parents won't get mad at you?" Alfie then asked as they had dinner.

"They won't be," Alex assured him "And besides, Papa did specifically give me money for our dinner tonight."

"Four Beer Battered Haddock, four Shirley Temples, one large Shepard's Pie, and a side of triple-cooked chips for the Fellowship!" the owner of the establishment, Mr. Rome announced at the top of his lungs as he served the boys their dinner.

Une Nouvelle Ère [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now