Alex woke up quite early, even earlier than he expected. He had another nightmare of course, but at this time, he was both used to it and still terrified at it at the same time. The dreams were repetitive, but the images were getting clearer...all except the one who was on their deathbed.
Hopefully he finds out before it's too late.
Still lazy to change, he then puts on his robe and quietly exited his room, where he saw Richie's door slightly open. He chuckles softly to himself and he heard their chattering, knowing well that the rest of the boys were there inside. He then quietly knocks, before being allowed to come inside.
"Ah yes, the resident early bird." Richie smiles happily as they saw him.
Alex chuckles softly, and sat with them on the nearby chair "You're all quite earlier than the usual."
"Well, we thought we'd catch you." Alfie then said, making the former a bit confused.
"What...whatever do you mean?"
"Oh Alex, despite you being blind as hell itself, we know that you'd choose to bring Jo to France." Vince cuts the chase.
"But I don't even have my final decision yet–"
"Oh, come on. We know you well more than anyone, we know that you already have Jo in mind to bring with you to France." Richie added "I mean, if there is one thing about it: it's the two of spending more time alone together."
"But I don't even like Jo!"
A stunned silenced then echoed across the room, with all of the three boys staring at Alex like he was an idiot.
"Bloody hell, Alex." Alfie shakes his head "If that makes you think we'd believe you, we won't. And even if you don't like Jo, you still wanted to take her with you more than anyone else in this group."
"And besides, with the exception of Miss Smith, we've all been to France before multiple times." Richie said "I think you're the only one who's never really out of the country. And no, Scotland does not count."
"And you spend more time with Jo then the rest of us recently, so why not get friends, that is." Vince added.
"But how about going to Devon this year?" Alex argued "I've never miss a visit to your house, Richie."
"If you think spending time with us is more important than time with your family, then you're an absolute moron." Richie countered "There's always next year, and since you been there before, I suppose you and Miss Smith can swap places this year?"
"Also known as: Richie wants to spend time with Miss Smith." Vince quipped.
"And I'm not going to deny that!"
A round of laughter surrounded them inside the room. Alex then looks up at them, and smiles.
"The three of you will never let me win, won't you?" he said.
"Not a chance." Alfie grins.
The young Viscount chuckles softly again before giving all three of them a hug, to which the other boys returned the gesture.
"Now you go and tell the Lewises, starting with Jo, of course." Richie pats his back "You can do it, mate."
"We believe in you." Vince added, smiling.
Alex smiles back at them, and nods in agreement before quietly heading out the room as if nothing happened.
After a quick bath and change, he comes out his bedroom once again. He brought Cleo with him this time, remembering his promise to his companion last night about walking her the following morning.

Une Nouvelle Ère [Book 2]
Fanfiction• The second book of the 'Viscount Downton' series • Alex Crawley and his family now have a new adventure coming to them: they're heading to the South of France. Meanwhile, the other half of them will be staying at Downton as a film was to set in pl...