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The following morning, Robert woke up rather early—and perhaps for the first time, earlier than both his wife and son. He then turns to his side, and saw the love of his life still sleeping peacefully beside him.

"Good morning." the Earl sweetly whispered through her hair in between his kisses on top of her head. Cora groaned tiredly in return, nuzzling her face deeper to his chest as well.

"You're early." the Countess' grumpy voice vibrated through his chest, making him chuckle softly.

"Woke up from a dream." he replied, gently trailing his fingers through her hair. She then looks up at him, her face was a mix of sleepy and of concern.

"Is it a bad one?"

Robert shakes his head "No, no." he assured her "I don't really remember...I only know it's not a bad one."

They both chuckle softly, and snuggled closer to one another in silence before Cora spoke once again.

"Are you hearing what I'm hearing?" she said, prompting herself up using her arm. Robert's expression turned into confusion, turning his head to try and hear anything from outside.

"I don't hea–"

And it was at the moment, that he heard a rapid set of feet sprinting towards their bedroom door. The steps halted for a short moment, before they both heard a rapid knocks on the door.

Cora held back her chuckle, and smiles "Come in, dearest." she said. Alex then suddenly came springing in like a jack in a box, clearly unable to contain his shock and excitement.

"You two HAVE TO SEE THIS!!" the Viscount said to them, his eyes wide and his energy at the highest they've seen in the early hours of the day.

"Well, good morning to you too, Mister." Robert grumbled, making his wife snicker.

"Yes, good morning. But anyway, back to what I was about to say—" Alex said quickly, retrieving a small envelope from his pocket "You two are most likely aware of the Earl and Countess of Rosebery?"

"The Primroses, yes." Cora nodded at him.

"And you know their eldest daughter, Lady Augusta?"


"Well then, have a read at this." Alex then handed the envelope to his mother, while his father sits upright on their bed. As she opened the letter, they read the simple invitation that says:

The Right Honourable Earl and Countess of Rosebery

requests the pleasure of the company of

The Rt. Hon. Earl and Countess of Grantham

to the marriage of

The Lady Augusta Primrose


Mr. James Lewis

at the Dalmeny House, Edinburgh, Scotland

on Friday, 1st of June, 1928 at 11.00 am

Alex grins happily as his parents look back and forth at him and at the invitation, checking if this was all but another dream for both of them.

"James Lewis?" his father looks at him "Like...the James Lewis? Miss Lewis' oldest brother!?"


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