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Will was kissing me

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Will was kissing me. Well, not with his tongue inside my mouth but this surely wasn't what I expected my first kiss to be like. And, it wasn't with who I wanted it to be. The person I wanted to kiss me didn't want me. If he did, he never showed it.

I couldn't believe Rika threw me under the bus like that. She always lost herself in his eyes and she'd start babbling. I didn't blame her, I was a babbler too. I guess that was why we got along, she looked up to me and I felt the need to protect her.

Whatever would have happened, I would have come to that dinner. Even if it meant the boy I wanted wouldn't be looking at me.

And why was Will kissing me in the first place?

Will was a good friend, we were friends since we met at a store two years ago. It was a very long story.

At some point, he admitted having feelings for me. He said, and I quote "We'd be a power couple". I didn't disagree. But I couldn't love him the way he wanted me to.

My heart belonged to another. Even though that boy never even noticed me.

"Will" I mumbled and my lips couldn't stop to mersh with his. I loved the guy, as a friend. It felt weird, though. Every eye was on us. I didn't have to look to know. I could feel their stares and when I heard my name, I pushed him away again.

He grinned at me and then proceeded to wink. Of course, he was handsome. Of course, I was attracted to him. However, the one I wanted was literally next to Rika. It was the first time I ever noticed him seeing me and I didn't want him to stop. Even though the attention might have been bad.

"Oh, what have you gotten yourself into?" Nina asked and leaned on the locker on my right. Kai was still staring at the side of my face and I felt very nervous. My cheeks were probably red and I kept placing my hair behind my ears.

"Nina Baker, how are you baby?" Damon flirted with everything that moved. It wasn't the first time he was hitting on her, though. I suspected something was going on between them but when I'd ask, she'd just tell me to let it go.

"Better than your dick, apparently"

I found it hard to keep my laugh inside me, it startled me. Having the four horsemen around us like that. It never happened, they never whistled or tried to get with us. At least, not all at the same time.

"So, you coming, Stone?" Michael said. He said my name. I opened my mouth to speak, to say anything. His little look of mischief in his eyes made me rethink everything. Nina nudged my elbow and I pressed my lips into a thin line as I nodded.

"Great, I guess I'll see you" he eyed me up and down, biting his bottom lip. I didn't mean to copy him but I did. Will snorted, Kai chuckled, and Damon rolled his eyes.

There they were, the four horsemen all walked away and when Michael finally stopped staring at my eyes, it was like I found air again. He spared me a cursory glance and the flames that danced in his brown eyes made me uneasy.

I threw my head against the locker and inhaled as sharply as I could. In the space of five minutes, I had my first kiss and I was invited to the Crist's house. I didn't know how I would survive that one.

"I am sorry" Rika sounded truly ashamed of what had happened. I didn't care. What stroke a nerve was that Will kissed me. Why had he kissed me? Especially after I pushed him away, two times. There was only one boy I would have never pushed away and let his hands-

Snap out of it!

"It's fine, I'll see you there" I turned away from her and linked my arm through Nina's. She didn't say a word, even as we entered our class. Where the four horsemen were already seated.

And I realized why she wasn't talking. She had a crush on Will, a huge one. I put two and two together. She wasn't mad, her smile told me that much. I didn't grab his shirt and stuck my tongue down his throat. It was actually him who did that to me.

"I am sorry" I mouthed. She rolled her eyes and shrugged me off. She took out her notebook and I knew what she was thinking. It was better if I wrote what happened than if I told her. We realized at some point that we'd fight if we talked about something that bothered us. That was because I never went straight to the point.

The joy of being nervous and babbling.

"Hey, gorgeous" It was Michael's voice. I closed my eyes before plucking the courage to turn around and face him. The past ten minutes had been the most we ever even talked. No matter what he did, my heart fucking pounded against my rib cage. It was a stupid crush. But if it was only a crush, why did I feel my clit throb like that?

"If you want to copy me, you could have just asked"

He raised his eyebrows, smirking as he took my water bottle. I didn't stop him, I couldn't believe he was talking to me. This wasn't a scenario I played out in my head. This was happening, it was real.

He licked his lips before downing most of my water.

"Thank you, baby"

Chills spread across my body and I was scared to take back my bottle. What if I didn't feel it when I'd touch his hand? I was sure I would but I didn't want to believe that my fantasies were only that, fantasies.

"What are you wearing tonight?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes and without thinking, I took a sip and my eyes widened as I realized his lips had been on it. We were practically kissing. Again, not really. But Michael's Crist lips were on my water bottle. I wasn't the type of girl to fangirl over a guy but him? Hell yes, I was.

"What?" I asked, through the noise in the classroom. The teacher was talking and he didn't once look in our direction. He had Damon, Will, and Kai to deal with. If he'd call us out, I'd die. I knew I would.

"A red dress, it would suit you" he flashed me one of these smiles and it made me fold right there, seating in my chair. He turned to his friends and I twisted my head to Nina. She grinned and handed me her notebook.

Yes, I scribbled in very precise detail what had happened. Also, she had to come over to get me ready. Nothing would happen between Michael and me but, I could show him what he was missing, right?

And I panicked.

I couldn't eat.

What was I going to do?

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