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Thunder roars. Eddie moves around in his sleep, the noise disturbing his rest. He moves closer to Steve to try and calm himself, and Steve, half-awake, holds his head against his bare chest.
He mutters, "Are you alright?" quietly.
There's no response, so Steve assumes he's asleep, which he is.
Eddie mumbles noises in his sleep.
" Don't- don't... hurt her..!" He says softly, moving closer to Steve. Eddie must be having a nightmare, Steve realizes. He plays with his hair and twirls it on his fingers, watching the brown locks fall back to his shoulders once he lets go.
"So pretty." Steve whispers. And Eddie must have heard it, because he seems to calm down a bit.
"Dad, please... Please don't hurt mom.." Eddie sleep-talks.
"Oh, Eds.." Steve says sympathetically.
Suddenly Eddie shoots up from his place where he was asleep. He looks around to make sure he isn't back in his nightmare, and sighs of relief.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks, concerned. He holds Eddie's cheek and strokes his lip with his thumb. It seems to calm him down, but he's still crying.
"H-He- He- He killed her. R-Right in front of m-me.." Eddie explains through tears. Drops get on Steve's hand, but he ignores it and holds Eddie close.
"I w-was 13 y-years old, Steve! A-And I witnessed a murder. I-I had to t-tell the c-cops, and I had to watch t-them take him!" Eddie sobs into Steve's shoulders, Steve holding him tight. This wasn't the first time this has happened, he often gets nightmares about his parents.
"It's alright. He can't hurt you anymore, darling." Steve comforts.
Eddie just continues to cry and hug him. It doesn't help that there's thunder, and Eddie is absolutely terrified of thunder.
"T-The thunder- It was thundering the n-night it happened.. I'm so s-scared, Steve.." Eddie tells him.
Steve doesn't say anything, just holds him tight.
Eventually Eddie's cries get smaller and quieter, and he isn't hugging Steve as tight.
"You feeling better?" Steve asks, tucking some of Eddie's hair behind his ear.
"Mhm.." Eddie smiles a very small smile.
Steve holds Eddie's face in his hands and pulls him closer for a kiss.
"Thank you, Stevie.. I know it must suck having to deal with me-"
"Eddie, stop saying that! I don't mind helping you! I love you, and I want you to feel as safe as possible. Okay?" Steve interrupts.
Eddie smiles more now. "Okay, big boy."
Eddie once again nests into Steve's neck and is basically on top of him, wrapping one leg around his legs.
"You're so cute." Steve says quietly.
"You're cuter."
"Nope. You are."
"Wrong! You are!"
They go on arguing back and forth like this for a bit, until they both laugh.
They fall asleep once more, smiling and happy. No more nightmares.

Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now