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"We're meeting Robin there, right?" Eddie asks. It's the summer of 1987, and Eddie and Steve are driving to the rebuilt Starcourt Mall.
"Yup. She said she needs practice driving." Steve says.
"Glad she's finally getting her license soon, I was getting tired of driving her places." Eddie rolls his eyes. Steve nods.
"You okay? You seem tense." Eddie asks, eyebrows upturned in worry.
"I mean, this is the first time we're going to the new mall. I guess I'm worried I'll get reminded of what happened. Or something." Steve mutters, almost sounding embarrassed. Eddie frowns.
"It'll be alright. I'll be with you, okay?" Eddie reassures, smiling at him. Steve looks at him for a moment and smiles back.
"Yeah. You're right."

They arrive shortly. Surprisingly Robin is already there in one piece.
Steve and Eddie lock hands as they walk over to her. Since what happened, they decided that after all that, there was no point in hiding anymore. What's worse than almost dying?
"Hey dingus number 1 and dingus number 2." Robin greets proudly, clearly surprised she made it in one piece, too.
"Shall we get going?" Eddie says, bowing towards the door. Robin smiles and walks to the door, and Eddie quickly grabs Steve's hand again and leads them in.
"We should go check out the new Scoops!" Robin suggests, pointing.
"Totally!" Steve agrees, taking the lead now.
They walk up the stairs. As they walk, people stare and whisper, but at this point none of them care.
"It looks so different," Robin states, almost sounding disappointed.
"Let's get something!" Eddie suggests, and they all agree.
The inside is very different, looking more modern than the old version. But it still has the same vibe as the old one. The new workers are wearing the same outfits Steve and Robin wore when they worked there, the hat and all.
"Welcome to Scoops Ahoy, what can I get you?" One man says.
"Hmm, a scoop of vanilla for me." Steve decides to keep it simple.
"I want a scoop of strawberry!" Robin says, pointing to the ice cream.
Eddie asks Steve to order for him, because his social skills are shit.
"And my lovely boyfriend here would like a scoop of chocolate!" Steve says, basically flaunting that they're together. The worker doesn't say anything, just smiles. Meanwhile, Eddie is whisper-yelling at him and blushing.
"I'll get on that." He says, grabbing some cones.
"Hey, it's like we're Neapolitan ice cream!" Robin realizes, once they get their ice cream and pay.
"You're right! That's crazy! We must really be best friends." Steve says, patting Robin on the back.
"You mean I'm the third wheel." Robin rolls her eyes as Steve plants kisses on Eddie's cheeks and nose.
"Exactly." Steve holds up a finger in a matter-of-fact way.
Robin snorts and tolls her eyes again.
"Where to?" Eddie asks once Steve is done smothering him in kisses.
"I was thinking The Gap! I get lots of my clothes there and I'm sure you guys would find some stuff." Robin points to a store, one of the bigger ones in the store.
"Sure! Then we should go to Victoria's Secret." Steve says, wiggling his eyebrows at Robin. She blushes and pushes him.
"Stop that!" Robin exclaims as they walk into the store.

They shop for about a half hour, before Eddie starts getting bored and is complaining, because he can't find anything he likes, even after searching the whole store three times.
"Can we go now?" Eddie groans, impatiently stretching out his words.
"In a minute. I'm gonna head to the check out now." Robin says, holding lots of clothing. Steve picked out one or two shirts and held them. Eddie hadn't found anything that fit his ideal.
They checked out, and Eddie sighed of relief when they left the store.

They shopped for a while and got some food, Steve and Eddie flirting publicly almost every moment, making Robin roll her eyes again and again. Of course people would look at them with disgust, anger, or disappointment. It was expected. They didn't care. All they cared about was making the other happy. And Robin.

Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now