Eddie's stuffed animals

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"Eddie d'you think I could come over tonight? I've got nothing to do and Robin has plans with Nance." Steve asks, rolling his eyes when he mentions Robin.
"Sure, why not. My trailer is a bit of a mess at the moment, so beware." Eddie warns, smiling as he wiggles his fingers in a "scary" way.
Steve snorts.
"Does 6 work for you?" Steve suggests, and Eddie lifts up his sleeve and pretends to check his calendar, even though he doesn't have a watch.
"Sure does, Stevie. Looks like we have ourselves a date." Eddie winks, and Steve rolls his eyes again.

-6 PM-

"Shit, Harrington. What happened to you?" Eddie asks, quickly letting Steve inside to dry off, because he got caught in the rain walking over.
"Got caught in the rain. I decided to walk over because I needed the exercise, turns out it rained." Steve explains, taking his soaked shirt off.
Eddie pouts, grabbing a towel from the kitchen and laying it on his back, blushing.
"Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?" Eddie suggests, pointing to the hallway.
"Sure. And I hope you don't mind me staying the night, it looks like it's gonna storm all night." Steve says, taking a peek out of the window. The clouds were dark, and lightning striked. Eddie flinches a bit, but goes to his room to retrieve the clothes. He brings sweatpants and a Judas Priest shirt, the sleeves cut off by Eddie himself.
Steve slips the dry clothes on, and Eddie turns away, embarrassed.
"Okay, you can look. Thanks for letting me borrow some clothes. The shirt is a bit too tight though, do you have any, like, stuff that's too big on you?" Steve asks, feeling kinda bad for asking him again.
"Oh- yeah." Eddie scrambles up and back to his room. The truth is, he picked that shirt specifically because he knew it'd be tight on him, and he was kind of disappointed that he requested something else. But he managed to find a hoodie with the sleeves also cut off, so at least he could look at his arms.
"Here, this should fit better." Eddie tosses the clothing at him.
"Does every shirt you own have the sleeves cut off?" Steve smiles, and Eddie flushes.
"No! That was just the first one I found!" Eddie defended himself.
"Right. Anyway, let's go to your room and listen to music or something." Steve suggests, sitting up off of the damp couch. Eddie suddenly has a worried face, and runs to his bedroom with no explanation. Steve follows, and find him scrambling to hide some stuffed animals.
"Uh- I was- These are from my uh- My childhood!" Eddie tries to lie, but Steve sees through it.
"Eds, I think your stuffed animals are adorable. It's cute that you have them and- Is that the bear I gave you on valentines day?" Steve's face lights up.
"Shut up. It was one of the first, like, romantic things you gave me!" Eddie blushes, holding on tight to the bear.
"No, I think it's adorable you kept it." Steve smiles gently, and Eddie's grip loosens on the bear.
"I named him."
"Oh yeah? What's his name?"
Eddie smirked.
"Steve Bearrington!" Eddie snorts, and Steve finds it so unfunny that he just has to laugh. They laugh for a minute, and Steve sits on Eddie's bed. Steve looks at him and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, and cups his cheek with his hand.
He kisses him, and it's short but sweet. Gentle and kind.
"God, I love you. And your stuffed animals. They're all cute, but not as cute as you!" Steve smiles, running a hand softly through Eddie's hair.
"Stop it!!"
"Why do you hide them?" Steve asks, holding up a cat one.
"I thought you'd think it was, like, weird. Or something. Especially because of how I am, you wouldn't expect me to have stuffed animals. Guess I was embarrassed of them." Eddie says sadly, as if apologizing to the stuffies.
"Don't be, I think they're lovely." Steve smiles, holding the cat up to his face and looking at it, and making it look back at him.
"Yeah, Eddie! We love you!" Steve says in a high-pitched voice, bobbing the stuffed animals head, attempting to make it look like it was talking.
"Stop that, you'll make me live a short life from secondhand embarrassment." Eddie snickers. Steve laughs and rests his head on Eddie's shoulder and wraps two arms around his waist.
"Love you. And Mr. Kitty. I decided that's his name." Steve tells him,  holding up the cat stuffed animal from before.
"And Steve Bearrington." Eddie smiles.
"Of course."

(this one is also short but sweet because im tired and its 1am BUT THEYRE STILL SO CUTE)

Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now