Trans Eddie AU

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ok before this starts id like to mention that i have zero idea when this takes place this was just for funsies

"Hey babe, what's up?" Steve says to his girlfriend through the phone.
"Hi Steve!" She says happily from the other side.
"Have you decided to listen to Black Sabbath yet?" She asks. It's one of her favorite bands, along with many others like Judas Priest and Metallica.
"I listened to one song. I think it was called Paranoid? It was alright, not really my taste, but I could listen to it." Steve smiles through his speech.
She makes a happy noise through the phone.
"I'm glad! You should listen to more of their music! As amazing as Paranoid is, I definitely recommend N.I.B. Great song, I think you'd like it!" She happily says, laughing. Steve smiles at her laugh.
"I'll listen. I have to rent it, though. Unless you let me borrow yours.." Steve suggests, basically asking to come over.
"Fine, I guess! Come over tomorrow? I have something else I wanna talk about, anyway. Don't worry, I'm not breaking up with you." She tells him, sensing the worry. He sighs of relief.
"Okay. See you then, I love you." Steve tells her, and she says the same, hanging up.
Even though he's glad she isn't breaking up with him, he still worries about what she would want to talk about.

The next day rolls around and as he gathers himself to go over his girlfriend's trailer, he makes sure to bring her favorite of Steve's sweatshirt in case it's something sad or emotional, or if she just wants it.
He drives over to the trailer park, letting her know over the phone quickly before he leaves.
He exhales and knocks, gripping the rose he decided to bring last minute.
She answers in her pajamas, and Steve feels like a fool for dressing less casual.
"Hey! Come on in." She says, greeting him with a kiss.
He steps in the door and removes his shoes.
He offers her the rose, blushing a little.
"Aww, you really didn't have to. I'm not breaking up with you. Still appreciated, though!" She smiles.
"Okay, so here's the tape! I think you'll like it, at least I hope you will!" She holds up a tape, labeled, "N.I.B.- Black Sabbath" and Steve takes it and sets it down.
"Right. What did you want to talk about?" Steve asks, still worried.
She sits down on the couch, and Steve sits next to her, arm reaching across her shoulders.
"Um, so, I wanted to ask if you would date a boy?" She asks, and Steve is confused by the question.
"Uh, maybe. Depends. Why?" Steve is really confused now. Plus he isn't really sure if he would date a dude.
"So, do you um- Do you know what transgender is?" She asks, looking at him.
"Yeah, that's one of those gay things right?" Steve is even more confused now. What was she getting at?
"Kinda. It's where your- hm- your brain doesn't match your body. Like, you have a girl body but a boy brain. Or the other way around, boy body and a girl brain." She tries to explain, and it's all very confusing but also kind of makes sense. He nods, signaling for her to go on.
"So, to make their bodies fit their brain, they um- They change their appearance and gender to whatever their brain says. Did that make any sense?" She tilts her head.
"I think so. I'm confused. What does that have to do with anything?" Steve looks equally as puzzled as her.
She sighs.
"Steve, I think I may be one of those people. My body is female- but I think my brain wants me to be a guy." She tells him, starting to tear up a bit.
"Hey, hey, don't cry! You're okay, I'm not- I'm not upset." Steve reassures, pulling her into a hug. They stay like that for a while, her crying into his shoulder.
"So, you want to be a boy?" Steve whispers after a while.
"Yes. I-I think. Um, and if you could maybe call me a different name, or try to, that- that would be cool." They ask, still crying into his shoulder.
"I don't know what name yet. But until I do know, just call me E." They request, and Steve nods.
"I'll try to, but it might take some getting used to. Okay?" Steve says.
"Okay. I understand. I'm just scared of everyone making fun of me, or worse, you." E says, clearly scared.
"I don't care. You're my girlfr- sorry- boyfriend. I don't care what your name or gender is, I love you for you." Steve says, and even though it sounds corny as shit, it seems to calm them down.
"Thank you.."
"Do you want to cut your hair? I can help." Steve offers.
"I like my long hair, but until I'm able to pass better, I think I better go with short hair." They laugh their adorable laugh, and Steve smiles.
"I can cut it for you after work tomorrow, okay?" Steve tells them, and they nod.
"You're the best." E tells him.

A few weeks later, he gets a call from E.
"Hi love! What's up?" He says.
"I think I know my name!" E says from the other side of the phone.
"Oh? What is it?" Steve smiles.
"Eddie. Isn't it great?" E says, and Steve somehow smiles more.
"It's great. Eddie. I like it. It suits you."
"I'm glad you're supportive. I love you so much, you have no idea." Eddie says, and Steve can tell he's smiling through the phone.
"I'm proud of you!"
"Thank you.."

-two years later-

"Hey, Steve! Guess what!" Eddie says as he lays on Steve's lap, long, curly hair falling beside Steve's legs. He's been on testosterone for about a year and a half now, and he passes well enough to have long hair.
"What?" Steve smiles, looking down.
"I'm getting surgery for my chest in a week!" Eddie says, reminding him once again.
"I know, you don't need to remind me everyday. But I am excited for you!" Steve tells him, holding up a lock of hair.
"Yeah, I'm just so excited! I've been waiting for this FOREVER." Eddie groans.
"I can't wait either, sweetheart." Steve smiles at him.

eddie gets top surgery and they get married in a year and they are the sillies the end

Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now