Sick day

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Eddie wakes up to a sniffling Steve next to him. At first he ignores it, assumes his nose is just clogged. Until he starts coughing, badly.
Eddie sits up.
"Stevie? You okay?" He asks, looking down at Steve, who looks paler than usual.
"Yeah- Fine." Steve tells him, but Eddie doesn't believe him.
"Come on." Eddie grunts and puts his hand over Steve's forehead. He's warm, overly warm for how cool the room is.
"You're sick!" Eddie exclaims.
"Don't make a big deal out of it!" Steve tries to raise his voice a little bit, but his voice is cracking and sounds rough.
"Does your head hurt?" Eddie sounds worried.
"Yeah, a pretty bad headache." Steve admits, pinching his forehead, trying to get rid of the pain.
"Stay here. I'm going to make you some tea and get some Tylenol, okay?" Eddie tells him, leaving a small kiss on his hand.
"You don't have to." Steve tells him, and he coughs into his elbow. Eddie gives him a, see? look and Steve tilts his head back and agrees. Eddie runs down the stairs and gets to work, bringing Steve Tylenol for his head while the water for the tea is warming up. When he gets back downstairs, the water is ready, so he pours it in a mug and dabs the tea bag in a few times before dunking it completely. He adds a bit of sugar, because who doesn't want sugar when they're sick?
"I'm back! Tea?" Eddie says as if it were a question, holding the cup out to him, tea bag still hanging out the side.
Steve chuckles roughly, and takes the cup.
"Why not." He answers, sipping the tea.
"Is there anything else you want, baby?" Eddie asks, running his fingers through Steve's bedhead slowly.
"You aren't my servant. You don't have to do anything." Steve replies, closing his eyes as he takes another sip.
"I want to care for you." Eddie says gently.
"Just come back here and I'll be happy." Steve asks, and Eddie slides back under the covers and lays his head on Steve's shoulder, his dark brown hair falling over Steve's bicep.
"I don't know how you can sleep shirtless in a room this chilly." Eddie says, fake admiration in his voice.
"I'm used to it. Plus you're like a heat ball so I have you to keep me warm. Seriously! You like, radiate heat!" Steve  insists, seeing Eddie's smile.
Eddie laughs, arm wrapping around Steve's stomach, and Steve laughs, too, as if Eddie's laugh is contagious.
He ends up in a coughing fit, though, and Eddie looks at him with worry. He grabs a tissue off the nightstand and blows his nose away from Eddie, and throws the tissue in the trash.
"You okay?" Eddie asks after he's done.
"Yeah. Just the joys of being sick, huh?" Steve smiles. And Eddie smiles, too, because his smile is contagious.
"Oh, no! We were going to hang out with Robin and Nancy today!" Steve says dramatically.
"Oh, the horror! I suppose we'll have to let them watch the movie, just the two of them." Eddie says with the same amount of drama. They both snicker.
"Robin's gonna freak when we tell her she's going to the movie's with Nancy alone." Steve smiles.
"God, you're amazing." Eddie says suddenly, making Steve's heart skip a beat. It was so sudden, but much appreciated.
"Where did that come from?" Steve teases.
"Be quiet and take the compliment!" Eddie says.
"Okay, okay. I guess you're amazing, too." Steve replies, rolling his eyes.
"You're amazing-er." Eddie smirks.
"Nope. You're even amazing-awesome-er." Steve says, smirking back.
"Nuh-uh! You are!" Eddie argues, and they go on like this for a while, arguing over who is more amazing-awesome-outstanding-gorgeous-handsome-beautiful-er, until they give up.
"Would you mind cooking breakfast? I'm super hungry and I'm just so sick!" Steve says dramatically, placing a hand on his forehead. He then opens one eye, not moving his hand, and fakes a cough.
"Fine. You're lucky I love you. Pancakes?" Eddie asks, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
"Yes! Thank you, Eds, I love you too!" Steve exclaims, smiling.
"Yeah, yeah, you lucky bastard." Eddie smirks anyway, and goes to the kitchen to start on the pancakes. He mixes the powder with the wet ingredients to make the pancake mix, and turns on the stove and gets out a pan. He pours a heart shape with the pancake batter by accident, but decides that it's cute and he'll keep doing it that way. He makes a bunch more heart-shaped pancakes and a bit of bacon, too. He sets it all on the table along with the syrup, and calls Steve. He lazily walks down the stairs, hair still a bit of a mess, but he had definitely messed with it to make it look better.
"I hope you like them. I put my heart into them." Eddie smiles, and Steve snorts at the dumb pun, looking at the pancakes in the heart shapes.
"Oh come on, that was good!" Eddie argues.
"No it wasn't! That was horrible!" Steve laughs nonetheless.
"You're laughing, though!"
"Because of how stupid it was!" Steve cackled, voice breaking every now and then. Eddie got up and poured orange juice for both of them, and Steve settled down.
"Anyway, I think the heart-shaped pancakes are cute anyway. Thank you, Eds." Steve says, placing a short kiss on Eddie's nose.
"Of course! I really hope you feel better soon. I feel horrible." Eddie's expression relaxed, looking worried again.
"Relax, Ed. I'll be fine. It's just a cold." Steve reassures him, and Eddie nods, looking reassured.
"I'll be alright, okay? I promise. And breakfast is delicious, by the way." Steve promises.
"Thanks." Eddie smiles, and eats his food. He can't help but lean on Steve's shoulder as he does, making Steve smile.


Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now