Double date

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this chapter also has hints of ronance in it, so if you dont like that you dont have to read :) thanks!!

"You ready to go, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, slipping on his leather jacket.
"Yup. Nancy is driving Robin luckily, so we don't have to pick her up again." Steve tells him, and he nods.
Eddie opens the door and bows dramatically, gesturing to the car.
"Your chariot awaits, sire." He says in a bit of an accent.
"Oh, cut that out. It's corny." Steve scoffs, but smiles nonetheless.
The ride there isn't long, only about 10 minutes, but despite this Eddie takes the opportunity to play some music.
"Which one is this?" Steve asks, recognizing the tune from previous car rides.
"Judas Priest, Breaking the Law." Eddie reminds him, smiling at the fact he remembered it.
"I like it." Steve manages to say, making Eddie look at him from the passenger seat and smirk.
"Shut up." Steve blushes as the next song plays. He doesn't recognize this one as well, but he's probably heard it, knowing Eddie.
Eddie whispers the lyrics to the song, playing air guitar and moving his head back and forth. It makes Steve blush and wonder how he landed the town freak. Someone so different from him, yet so alike.
The songs ends at the perfect time as they pull into the parking lot of the burger joint the four of them agreed to meet at. Robin and Nancy are already there, waiting at the entrance. Nancy smiles as Robin eaves enthusiastically.
"Hey! Fancy seeing you here!" Eddie says, pulling Robin into a short hug and giving a nod at Nancy. Steve follows behind him, nodding at both of them.
"How long of a wait is it?" Eddie asks, acting like if the answer is over 5 minutes the world might actually end.
"There isn't really a wait. We haven't gone in yet, we just got here." Nancy tells him, nodding to the door.
"Well, let us find out, shall we?" Eddie does the thing again, where he incorporates his stupid fantasy roleplay into real-life situations. It's fucking stupid, is what it is. But it's one of the little things that makes him that much more interesting and weird, in a good way.
They find a table to sit at, Nancy sitting next to Robin and Steve next to Eddie. The seats are a bit squished, but they don't mind.
Soon, a waitress comes to their table.
"What can I get for you four?" She asks, smiling fakely.
Nancy goes first, and she gets a simple salad and water. Claims she had a decent size lunch.
Robin orders herself a plain burger, being very specific on what's on it and how it's cooked, along with some lemonade (with a lemon wedge, she adds.) She's really picky.
Steve gets just a regular burger with nothing special on it, except he takes the mayonnaise off. He despises mayonnaise. (understandably so, that shit gross. sorry to mayo lovers) Along with a soft drink and some fries on the side.
"And for you, sir?" The waitress looks to Eddie.
"I'll just have the grilled chicken, please." He tells her, and she nods and grins.
"Is that all for you?" She clarifies, and they all nod. She walks off with her notepad with all the orders.
"Holy shit I almost shit my pants trying to order. I hate being picky and awkward at the same time." Robin complains. Nancy laughs.
They all find it easy to talk, seemingly never running out of topics, with all the Upside-Down shit and stuff like that. Or just simple things like relationship problems or not being able to make their relationship public.
"And then I swear he looked at me with the most disgusted face ever and walked away. Steve was embarrassed, but I think it was worth it." Eddie finishes his story, and Robin agrees.
"Oh, shut up!" Steve argues.
"It was worth it!" Eddie repeats.
"Definitely worth it! I'd do that for Nance any day!" Robin exclaims, leaning her head on Nancy's shoulder, making her blush.
"Aww, you would? How sweet! But I feel like, considering I know how to operate a gun properly, it would be better if I handled it in that situation." Nancy suggests, and Robin tosses her head back, sighing. But agreeing. Nancy smiles, knowing she's right.
"Look, food's here!" Steve notices, after tuning Nancy and Robin's flirting.
"Here you all are! Have a nice evening!" The waitress says, walking away after setting the food down.
They all eat in comfortable silence, every now and then laughing for no reason. None of them are sure why, but it's hilarious nonetheless.
They are all nearly done and return to normal conversation.
"Be right back, I have to use the bathroom!" Robin announces, sitting up and walking to the ladies' room.
"So, when did you realize you liked Eddie?" Nancy asks out of nowhere, asking Steve.
"Oof, that's a hard one. I think it happened over time, but I really realized it when he gave me his jacket. And when we first met, and he held a piece of glass to my neck, that definitely awoken something in me. Also when I found myself staring at his lips." Steve's own lips stretch into a smile, and he looks at Eddie, who also smirks.
"I always knew I liked you. It was just a matter of getting the straightest guy in Hawkins to fall for my charms." Eddie says proudly.
"Yeah, yeah."
Nancy laughs.
Eddie picks a french fry off of Steve's plate and eats it.
"My fry!"
"Come on, you don't mind sharing, do ya?" Eddie asks, pouting with his stupid, ridiculously big, pretty doe eyes.
It's enough to make Steve give in, and he slides the plate with a few fries left over to Eddie, who smiles and eats all of them in, like, a minute.
Robin returns and they all decide to leave, and Steve offers to pay for his and Eddie's meals.
"Aww, you'd do that? You really do love me!" Eddie swoons.
"Eddie, darling, you're poor." Steve says, deadpan.
"Way to kill the vibe!" Eddie protests.
Nancy and Robin split their bill, and they ride together, while Steve and Eddie ride together, as well.
"That was fun, don't you think?" Eddie asks once they're home, cuddling on the couch in comfy clothes, watching a movie.
"Sure. We should hang out with them more." Steve suggests, and Eddie hums in agreement, nuzzling back into Steve's neck.


Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now