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It's been two months since- the whole Vecna thing. Eddie took a good long break from D&D for a while after everything was said and done. He just couldn't bare to even say the name- let alone finish the campaign. Shit, he could barely even look at the figure he had spent hours painting without wanting to cry.At this point he's gone back, but he'll still need time to get used to Vecna as a D&D character and not some- mind-controlling monster from the Upside-Down. He's definitely gotten better, and is getting used to going back to normal.
Nancy and Steve haven't talked to him since everything went back to normal. It kinda sucked, especially since he really thought they were his friends. Maybe he had been too open, or been to close. Maybe he was still the freak, even while fighting literal monsters. Whatever, he thought.
But now he was really starting to miss their little friend group. He missed the jokes they would make, despite everything happening around them. He missed how Robin and him had bonded over being gay. Robin was the only one who kept contact. He figured she doesn't have many friends, either. He did appreciate it, but he also felt like maybe she felt obligated to keep in contact after all that, and maybe she doesn't want to be his friend after all.
The phone rings, and Eddie is shot back into the future, turning his head toward the sound, prepared to fight. He relaxes when he realizes it's the phone. That's another thing, he's been very flinch-y and alert at all times since what happened.
He walks over to the phone, cursing at himself for flinching at the phone.
"Hey, what's up?" Eddie speaks through the phone.
"Hi, Eddie! It's Robin!" Robin says through the speaker, and though the thoughts of her feeling obligated to talk to him start to creep through, he can't help but smile at her friendly tone.
"Hi!" He simply responds.
"Soo, you know Nancy and Steve, obviously. Well I realized we haven't gotten together since everything and I wanted to plan something!" Robin says excitedly through the phone. Eddie smiles.
"Why not. I've got nothing better to do." Eddie agrees, shrugging even though she can't see him.
"Yay!! I already called Nance and Steve, we're meeting at the diner across the street from Steve's. You know which one I'm talking about?" Robin's words slur together a little, so Eddie needs a moment to process.
"Oh, yeah!" Eddie does recall the diner. It's small, but the owner and the people who work there are amazing, and Eddie's a regular there.
"I go there all the time. They're super nice  And accepting." Eddie adds, remembering he doesn't have to hide from Robin.
"Great! I didn't know you go there. So does tomorrow at 6 work for you?" Robin asks, and although he cannot see her, Eddie is imagining her twirling the phone chord around her finger. Not for any particular reason, it just seems like a Robin thing to do.
"Let me check." Eddie says, even though he knows he's definitely free.
"Ooh, gonna be hard to squeeze that in between my tight schedule of sitting on the couch and watching movies." Eddie says sarcastically.
"Great! We'll see you then! I'll make sure you get to sit next to Steve." Robin smirks through the phone.
"Robin!" Eddie scolds, and she laughs.
"Oh come on, I've seen how you look at him!" Robin defends, and Eddie can't exactly deny that one, so he says a quick goodbye and sits back on the couch. Lovely.

-a few days later, after the diner-

Surprisingly, after the four of them met up at the diner, they all seemed to be closer. Like they were before. Especially him and Steve. Eddie and him exchanged numbers at the diner and that night Eddie gave him a call. They talked for hours, about music (even though Steve's music taste was very different from Eddie's), D&D, Steve talked about his other Upside-Down experiences, even basketball came up at one point. And even though Eddie hates sports, Steve made it seem fun, somehow. Maybe it was because Eddie was imagining how he'd look in short-shorts. It seemed like they never ran out of topics to talk about.
So Eddie decided to invite Steve over to sleep at his house and have a beer or two. He agreed, said he originally had a date but she had cancelled, so he came.
"Hey, man." Eddie opened the door to Steve wrapped in a soft blanket, holding some chips and a bunch if horror movies from Family Video.
It was snowing outside, so Eddie didn't wait long to let him inside. He shut the door behind Steve as he walked in, a gust of cool air hitting him as he does so.
"Okay, what first?" Eddie asks, rubbing his hands together.
"Let's play never have I ever! You know how to play?" Steve asked.
"'Course I do, you play that game at, like, every high school party ever." Eddie said, setting shots on the coffee table and plopping down on the couch next to Steve.
"I'll go first. Never have I ever dyed my hair." Steve says. Eddie takes a shot.
Steve gives him a look.
"Middle school was rough. Dyed a few strands red, and not gonna lie, it was pretty metal." Eddie explains. Steve nods, waiting for Eddie's turn.
"Never have I ever had a crush on someone who doesn't like them back." Eddie says, already grabbing his shot. Steve takes one as well.
"King Steve? Someone not liking him? I don't buy it." Eddie crosses his arms.
"It's funny, a while back I liked Robin. Obviously, that didn't go anywhere." Steve rolls his eyes. Eddie snorts. "What about you? Who rejected you?" Steve asks, nodding to the empty shot glass Eddie had just put to the side.
"Technically they didn't reject me. But I know they would." Eddie laughs nervously.
"Oh come on, It can't be that bad. What's the worst that could happen, she rejects you and you move on!" Steve raises an eyebrow.
"It's- It's more complicated than that. I wish it were like that." Eddie starts to tear up, but hides it.
"What? Why?" Steve asks.
"It's not a girl. I like a guy. A straight guy. A guy who is known for his history in dating women. A guy who didn't even talk to me until the world was almost destroyed." Eddie says quickly, slurring his words like Robin does. It takes Steve a moment, but he catches on. He's silent. They both are, as Eddie holds back tears.
"Eddie-" Steve starts to cry, too. He never wanted to make Eddie cry, especially not like this.
"I'm not mad. You can't help your sexuality. But it sucks, you know? I'm sure you don't know. You never have had to deal with people finding something out about you that could completely change their perspective of you." Eddie isn't even trying to hold back anymore. He's bawling at this point, and Steve is crying silently.
"Oh, Eddie.. Eddie I- I don't know how to- respond.. I'm sorry. Shit, maybe I do like you. Maybe I like guys? But- I've always liked girls. This is- so confusing- Eddie I- just-" Steve is crying just as much as Eddie now. They've gotten closer, their knees are touching and Steve is lying his head on Eddie's shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I don't know who I am anymore. I have to go, shit. I'm so sorry." Steve is out the door before Eddie can even try to reason with him. Shit. He fucked up. Now he's alone, crying, sitting on his couch, the spot next to him empty. It feels wrong. Fuck.

-a month later-

Eddie barely came out of his room for weeks after that. He felt so horrible for ruining things. Things were going so well, of course he screwed things up.
The phone rang multiple times. He didn't pick up. It was always Robin, wondering if he was okay.
Until one day it rang. And rang. Eddie didn't pick up again. It was just Robin.
Until the ringing stopped, and there was a message. The voice wasn't Robin's. It was deep, a bit raspy. It was Steve's voice. Just hearing his voice made Eddie tear up a little.
"Eddie, please. I really need to talk to you. I'm coming over." The phone played the message, and Eddie looked around frantically, wondering if he should prepare anything. He decided not to. He would stay exactly where he was. In his unwashed clothes, on the couch. The doorbell rang.
"What do you want?" Eddie said, eyebrows furrowing.
"Eddie, can we please talk about this?" Steve asked, reaching out to touch Eddie. He pulled away.
"Leave me alone. 'King' Steve and Eddie 'the freak' Munson will never be friends." Eddie simply said, slamming the door in his face.
He went to go sit back down, anger still clearly visible on his face. Steve banged on the door, yelling his name. He didn't respond.
"Eddie. I'm begging you. Please. I-I really just want to talk.." Steve said through the door, tears clear in his voice. Eddie was feeling bad for him at this point. It was raining, and Steve was banging on his door.
"What?" Eddie choked, opening the door. As soon as it opened, Steve hugged him as tight as he could. To the point where it made Eddie cry. He hadn't gotten a true hug in- shit, he can't even remember how long it's been. He hugs back softly, crying into Steve's shoulder. Steve played with his hair a little, which made Eddie's heart flutter, until he realized why he was mad at Steve. But he kept hugging him, because it just felt so nice.
"Please. You- You need to understand." Steve says, tears streaming down his face. Eddie nods, and lets him in, closing the door of his trailer with another gust of wind.
There's silence for a while.
"Eddie, how did you know you liked guys? I mean, I assume you've known you liked guys." Steve blurts out.
"You'd- You'd be right. I've known since I was a kid. I guess I always knew. I-It's hard to pinpoint an exact time I knew or how I knew. I just- did." Eddie tried to explain, voice still shaky with tears.
"I think I might like guys. I mean, I like you. And now that I think about it, I've definitely liked guys in the past- without realizing it, I guess. But I still like girls, too, so what even am I?" Steve said, aggravated.
"You- You can like both. Bisexual. That's what it's called. There's more than gay and straight." Eddie explains, even though he's focused on how Steve said he liked him.
"Bisexual? Like, you like guys and girls?" Steve's eyebrows furrowed, in the way that is adorable and just makes Eddie's heart flutter again.
"Y-Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much." Eddie said, smiling.
"I- Do you think I might be- Bisexual?" Steve asks, leaning a bit closer to Eddie.
"Maybe. Sure seems like it to me." Eddie can't help but lean closer as well.
Soon, Steve can't hold it in anymore and grabs Eddie's cheeks and kisses his soft lips, the ones he can't help but stare at.
Eddie gives in to the kiss easily, and he feels like it's a dream. This is too good to be true, he though. But, it was very real.
Steve pulls away slowly, and Eddie leans after him as if he doesn't want him to stop just yet.
"Eddie. Never have I ever kissed Steve Harrington." Steve smirks. Eddie snorts, but reaching for a shot. They kiss again. It's euphoric. It feels like they're floating, together. It's all Eddie's ever wanted and more, and maybe Steve's wanted it, too. Who knows. All he knows is that he cannot wait to tell Robin about this.


Steddie oneshots :) (mostly SFW) (Stranger Things, includes Kas!EddieWhere stories live. Discover now