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Heizou was bored. [Y/N] had been gone for around fifteen minutes and he was starting to think she ditched him. The man pouted slightly, resting his head in his hand as he leaned on the countertop.

Taroumaru gave a sharp yip, causing the detective to glance at him. "What is it?"

Taroumaru continued barking before pulling out a kunai and pointing it towards the restroom. Heizou confusedly stared at the shiba inu before letting out an "oh" of realization.

"Go check on her?" When he got a yip and a tail wag in response, the man stood up and sauntered over to the restroom. He carelessly opened the door only to be met with [Y/N] standing in her haori as she attempted to cover the lower but still visible hickeys. Shutting the door gently, he hummed softly.

"Didn't realize you were an exhibitionist, [Y/N]."

The woman spun around, only to be roughly shoved to the wall as she tried to cover herself with her haori. Letting out a gasp of surprise, she shot a glare at Heizou.

"What the fuck," she hissed before letting out a breathy grunt as her legs were spread and Heizou put his knee in her crotch. He gently applied pressure, watching as the woman wriggled.

"H-Hei-eizou, we're i-in public."


"An-And-" the woman was cut off as a hand wrapped around her throat and applied pressure. She let out a choked moan, subconsciously bucking her hips for more friction. As Heizou tightened his grip on her throat, he gave her a playful yet content smirk, pulling a leg over his shoulder.

He gently slid her haori off of her body, leaving it hanging from her shoulders. She immediately wiggled, trying to hide her body. The man clicked his tongue before letting go of her throat and pinning her hands above her head, binding her wrists with the obi.

Red-faced, [Y/N] glared at the detective and grunted. Heizou lifted her other leg over his shoulder before leaning forward to press his lips into her clothed folds. The woman let out a gasp of surprised pleasure and immediately tried to grind her hips into his face.

Chuckling, Heizou pulled away from her and caught her lips with his, moving her legs down to his waist. She moaned quietly against his mouth as she felt something begin to press against her clothed clit. Jutting her hips against his, [Y/N] tried to release the pressure of her building orgasm.

Just as she was about to let out another moan, she felt the detective's tongue enter her mouth. His tongue swirled against hers as he kept her pinned to the wall, legs wrapped tightly against his waist. She bit down slightly on his tongue, causing him to pull away.

A string of saliva connected their tongues as [Y/N] gasped for air. It was but a few seconds until their lips were connected once more. Heizou let go of her wrists, causing her to drop her arms and pull the man's face closer.

Parting again for oxygen, [Y/N] tried to untie her hands. Realizing the woman was struggling, Heizou loosened the obi. Once it was about to fall, the man caught it and glanced at the woman for confirmation.

"May I tie this around your neck? Not tightly, but-"


"It's fine if you say no-wait, what?"

"I said yes, dumbass," the [h/c]-haired woman muttered, glancing away in embarrassment. Surprised, Heizou gently tied the obi around her neck.

"Is this good?"

LOVE GAME | s. heizou [✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now