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Letting out a sleepy exhale, [Y/N] tiredly blinked her eyes before hissing at the stinging light. She buried herself in the soft covers of the bed she was in, already wanting to go back to sleep. However, when she heard approaching footsteps, she grumbled and sat up, the blanket clutched in her hand as she covered her breasts.

The door opened and olive green eyes nervously scanned the room. Seeing that the woman was awake, his expression softened into one of fondness.

"Why're y'so far away?" she questioned sleepily, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"There was something scratching the front door. Turns out it was just a dog." [Y/N]'s gaze focused and she was clearly able to see that Heizou was in nothing but his briefs. She huffed and collapsed back into the pillows, snuggling up to the warm blankets. The bed dipped down a tad before she could feel herself be pulled into an embrace.

The woman rolled over to face the magenta-haired man as he pulled her closer to him. She yelped in surprise before grunting and accepting the closeness. Cuddled up against the detective with her eyes closed, [Y/N] could forget about her upcoming report.

She had no concerns for it. Kokomi could be patient. It likely wouldn't arrive for another few days, so [Y/N] still had time to receive the letter from Her Excellency as well as write a reply.

Yet, as Heizou embraced her, she couldn't even bring herself to want to snoop for information. It felt...right to be in his arms. She shook the thoughts away and instead focused on going back to sleep and ignoring the warm breath on the top of her head.


When [Y/N] awoke next, she noticed that she was pressed tightly against something hard. It was only when she tried to put distance did she realize it was Heizou's chest. She frowned slightly, rolling around to face him.

Finally able to get a decent look at the man next to her, she examined his features. She hummed slightly as she brought a hand up to his face. Resting it on his cheek gently, the woman felt the corners of her lips tilt up.

The woman let out a fond sigh before closing her eyes and bringing her hand back down. She curled up slightly, opting to snuggle into the warmth. Yet her sleep was interrupted when a loud banging sounded.

She flinched at the sound as Heizou jolted up. The man cursed under his breath before sliding out of bed. [Y/N] pouted, sitting up with blankets wrapped around her. However, recognizing Sara's voice, she stilled, hoping for information.

"Heizou, I thought I told you that you were to be on Watatsumi," a feminine voice snapped.

"Yeah, yeah. I've been caught up in some personal matters but since the Kujou Sara has oh so politely asked me to head to the island of the Resistance, I have no choice but to accept."

"Don't get snarky with me, Shikanoin. You are to leave by tonight. I will personally come by and check your house."

"No need for that, dearest tengu. I'll listen, I guess. What kind of info do you need, again?"

"Plans of attack, patrol schedules, anything deemed important. I trust you to bring back good results. Also, please do remember to patrol the area during the ceremony today."

With that, she heard the door slam and approaching footsteps. [Y/N] quickly lay back down, huddled in the blankets of Heizou's bed. When the bedroom door opened, she lazily peered out, eyes finding the detective staring blankly into space.

Feeling a pang of concern, the woman sat up and reached out to him. Grabbing his wrist loosely, the detective winced before looking down. Catching sight of a blanket burrito, the man snorted in amusement.

[Y/N] pouted and lightly tugged on his arm. Heizou, not expecting the tug, fell forward, landing on the bed.

"Ow! Dumbass. Get off of me-you're hurting my back."

"I can hurt your back in other ways."

The woman groaned and playfully shoved to man off of her. "No. I'm tired."

Heizou hummed as he shifted to a more comfortable position. "Then sleep."

"Don't wanna."

"Why not?"

"Y'seem upset."

"I'm not."

[Y/N] fell silent, sitting up with a frown on her lips. "Don't lie, deer boy."

The man shot her a glare before releasing a sigh and wrapping his arms around her. She stilled before returning the embrace. The room fell quiet, causing [Y/N] to tense when she heard an almost inaudible sniffle.

She glanced at Heizou, who was burying his face in her chest. She frowned and brought a hand up to his head. Running her fingers through his tresses, she started mumbling a Watatsuman lullaby.

She could feel the tears on her bare chest, causing her to wrap her arms around the detective and pull him onto her lap. He looked at her with teary eyes and a red face before awkwardly hiding his face in her boobs once more.

[Y/N] chuckled at the reaction, cradling the magenta-haired man. "It's okay to cry, you know. You don't have to be so embarrassed about it."

He muttered something in return, voice muffled. The woman grunted questioningly, tightening her embrace.

"Crying shows weakness," he stated again, turning his head so it wasn't muffled. At that, the woman froze and glanced down at him.

"Who told you that?"


"Fuck society. You're human, Shikanoin. You're going to cry whether you like it or not," she retorted, furrowing her brows.

'You'll probably cry when I betray you for Her Excellency, too,' she thought, closing her eyes as she rested her head on top of his.

The man pouted before closing his eyes and resting his head on her collarbone. [Y/N] gently wrapped the blankets around her body, encasing them both in the fuzzy warmth.

"Sara said I have to go to another island for awhile," Heizou said suddenly.

"Oh? What for?"


The woman merely hummed. "Okay."

"She said she wants me to leave by tonight."


He exhaled softly, curling up on the woman's lap. "I don't want to."

[Y/N] gave a quiet laugh. "You said it's for work, so you probably have to."

"Still don't wanna."

"Why not?"

"Cause it means I can't fuck you."

"Is that all you think about?" she asked, gasping in fake offense.

"Wha-no!" he exclaimed, jolting upwards. He had a pout on his face, looking at her with puppy dog eyes. "You're a really nice pillow and you're really warm and you're cute and you're nice to snuggle and-"

[Y/N] gave him a chaste kiss to shut him up, giggling at his flustered expression. "Dumbass."


"And if I don't?"

"I'll stick to you like a tanuki."

She snorted before laying down on her side, keeping Heizou close to her chest. The male easily squirmed back into her warmth, enjoying being the little spoon for once.

LOVE GAME | s. heizou [✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now